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新浪游戏  2015-04-08 20:47

  Here it is:


  - Storm was confronted with the fact that on one hand he claims that the French heavy line would not be original (in the sense of the game style being the same) while on the other hand we get spammed by premium clones of existing tanks (such as the Japanese Tiger). Storm's reply was that the premium clones are "rare";

  - Storm面临着这样一个事实:一方面,他声称,法国重坦线不会传统的(从游戏风格的角度来说的相同);而另一方面,我们收到大量邮件抱怨现有的金币坦克都是各种克隆车(的抱怨)(例如日本的虎式)。

  - In 9.8, some individual missions will be simplified. Players who did complete them previously when they were harder will not receive any compesation;

   - 在9.8,个人任务将被简化。提前完成他们的玩家,他们努力不会得到任何补偿(译者注:欧买疙瘩,有人要哭了……);

  - M48 Patton and SU-122-54 are "normal" statistics wise;

  - M48巴顿和SU-122-54的统计数据显示了他们是“正常”滴(译者注:有点讽刺的以为);

  - The East German T-55A will not receive different marks of excellence than the Soviet ones, it would require an overhaul of the code and "that's not worth doing for one tank";

  - 东德的T-55A将不会得到像苏联坦克那样的不同的卓越标志,因为这需要代码大改,因此懒惰的毛子认为“为了这一辆坦克这么做是不值得的”;

  - Storm confirms that the first two HT15 missions will be simplified;

  - Storm确认重坦15任务中的前两个将被简化;

  - The XP for tanking bonus will come soon. HE shells counting towards this bonus however - no ETA on that;

   - 承担伤害奖金的经验很快就会来临。 HE弹导致的伤害也会被计算在内 - 但是没有确定什么时候实施;

  - There will definitely be a penetration nerf of very high penetration guns;

  - 对于高穿深的炮会有一次普遍的nerf;(译者注:这是要逼着玩家浪费炮弹么?还是要游戏经济再平衡了?)

  - In 9.7 test 3 the French hightier tank characteristics are already final;

  - 在9.7的3测中,法国高级坦克的特点已经最后(固定下来);

  - M56 Scorpion is NOT a regular premium vehicle. It will be sold or given away only during some events;

  - M56蝎式不是正常金币车辆,它只会通过某些渠道被出售或送出;(二类说:你再说什么?说什么?什么?么?……)

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