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新浪游戏 | 时间2015-02-13 19:29

国外玩家热议互选征召模式 这游戏还能玩吗

  Shaitan23:We give Zac as our first pick to the enemy...In the load screen we see he has the skin and his ign is Zac Mid.Happiest day of this guys life。

  我把扎克作为首发给了对手……在载入画面时,我看到这货居然有扎克的皮肤,而且他的ign(不懂,这是啥?召唤师名字么)是“扎克走中(Zac Mid)”……真是这货一辈子里最走运的一天了....。.

  Phadafi:Most comps in this mode is 4 supports + Urgot against 4 supports + Poppy。



  The_Morellonomicon:What people fail to understand is that the worst enemy team is not 5 supports. Giving the enemy 5 supports only ensures you won't even be able to kill one of them。


  garduglo:i faced a ad janna and she just destroyed us all。


  Exiria:My team gave the enemies karma and yi, FREAKING KARMA AND YI。


  Eggy216:I gave the enemy team Urgot.One of them was an Urgot main.He went 9/0.


  DrZeroH:Freaking Urgot mains are having a field day with this mode。


  OG_frisB:Why do people ban the good/OP champs? THE ENEMY TEAM ISN'T GONNA GIVE YOU GOOD CHAMPS


  Hijaubiru:they gave me katarina, i don't know how to play her, but smashing my face on the keyboard gave me 20 kills and a pentakill


  mythrowawayornot:My only problem is that both games I played were super long and boring (75 and 55 minutes). Maybe it was just a coincidence, but that makes me not want to play again。


  fedorascope:75 minutes damn was it a full tank team comp?


  Acuta:I have the complete opposite problem then everyone. My team keeps giving them adc's like ashe and sivir.。.


  Harrylicious:When the other team give you Lulu, just give them Zed, then after 6 follow the Zed, ult whenever he ult, then hex him, yeah, fuck his day up boise


  aryzee:The Point of this mod is "Give Urgot some Attention"....ou damn no...hes a banned ;( sry crab.。.


  Tyrull:I had a team give out Poppy, Janna, Kog and Zilean. Why on earth would you do that? On the bright side, I got to play full ap taric yay


  DrH0RR1BL3:My team did a supports vs ADCs. We, the supports, showed who the real carries of the bot lane are. Ended like 40-16 with taric and alistar carrying


  protectbabysif:I hate it when they give me Teemo...leave me alone ;n;


  Quirkiness101:People keep giving me taric. They never believe me at start of game when I say I'm good at taric. They change their tune a little ways in ;)  他们总是给我宝石,虽然他们一开始不相信我擅长宝石,但显然最终的结果改编了队友的看法。

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