《激战2》狂拽炫酷武器装备大全 双手巨剑

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新浪游戏:2014-03-27 14:29



Etched Avenger Legionnaire Greatsword Crystal Guardian Ebon Vanguard Greatsword
Lionguard Sword Beaded Claymore Destroyer Greatsword Corrupted Avenger
Mystic Claymore Breath of Flame Dhuumseal Ebonblade
Dawn/Khrysaor,the Golden Sword Kymswarden Skybringer Foefire’s Essence
Vision of the Mists Volcanus Sunrise【传奇】 Twilight【传奇】
Eternity【传奇】 Krytan Greatsword Aureate Highlander Sword Seraph Greatsword
Norn Greatsword Glyphic Longblade Warden Greatsword Peacemaker's Greatsword
Whisper's Secret Greatsword Vigil's Honor Greatsword Ghastly Greatsword Golden Greatsword
Nightmare Greatsword Dark Asuran Greatsword Molten Greatsword Kodan Greatsword
Inquest Greatsword Greatsword of the Dragon's Deep Fractal Greatsword Zenith Avenger【皮肤】
Fused Greatsword Super Greatsword Sovereign Crusader Zodiac Greatsword

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