2015年04月17日 17:18

新浪游戏 > 新闻动态 > 网络游戏 正文页 已有_COUNT_条评论


无冬 CGWR 得分










  For those who haven’t spent a long time playing MMOs, Neverwinter‘s linear mission setup is very helpful while players progress through the game and level up characters. And although there are also side quests, players may find themselves longing for more adventure. That adventure comes at level 26 when players can begin the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign, which opens new encounters, dungeons, and skirmishes beyond the regular game storyline. The Tyranny of Dragons is where Neverwinter really comes alive, as players work together with friends in epic battles against dragons and other massive foes. If players can hold on until they reach level 26, they will be greatly rewarded for their dedication and patience。


  In terms of characters, Neverwinter gives players plenty of options and customization. In addition to selecting a race and role, players can customize their characters’ physical appearance and personal history. Each race and role comes with its own pros and cons, and players can select their character based on how they like to play. Unlike other games, each character’s abilities in Neverwinter impact the way players experience the game。


  While Neverwinter‘s loot system isn’t super liberal with how many powerful weapons, armor, and materials it gives out, it provides enough to keep players stocked for each quest and boss. In fact, players will often have an abundance of loot, and can sell the excess for gold, which they can then use to obtain other items they need for their adventures. In addition to the loot system, Neverwinter gets the upgrade trees right, allowing players the opportunity to upgrade an already personalized character according to their play style。


  Questing with friends is an enjoyable experience, as Neverwinter offers the traditional MMORPG options, including instances and dungeon adventures. Technically, these can be done by a single player, just like the normal quests, but it’s highly discouraged. The developer built these instances, dungeons and skirmishes to challenge even five-player teams, which is the cap for such missions. These quests pay well in terms of loot, and make for an enjoyable escape from the regular storyline。


  The Neverwinter PvP arena is one aspect of the game that may leave many players underwhelmed. Those who are hoping for epic battles of large teams fighting against each other will be sorely disappointed. Instead, players are greeted with only one game type, Domination, which pits two teams of five players against each other in an effort to capture and control three flags on a small map. That’s it. No deathmatch, no capture the flag, just Domination over and over. Sure, players gain XP from the PvP arena that levels up their character, but the desire for XP from Domination quickly fades as the game mode becomes stale。

  Additionally, despite its efforts to balance the game by setting all players to the same level, Domination still favors certain classes. For instance, those playing as heavy weapon fighters can be quickly taken down by the magic and tricks of other players, leaving those fighters hopelessly unable to support their team. On the other hand, those who play as a Rogue class will discover they have an advantage over the enemy due to their ability to quickly dart behind players and slash them, and go invisible when they get in trouble。

  Those who endure the PvP arena and continue to battle other players will be rewarded with a special currency called Glory, which can be used to purchase special gear from the PvP store in the game. Unfortunately, most of the Domination gear requires players to be level 60 (the game’s highest possible level so far) to use the items. This restriction does little to motivate players to continue playing Domination。


  《无冬online》是由完美世界控股的Cryptic Studios工作室开发的3D正统D&D西方魔幻网游,《无冬online》于1月22日开启“守护测试”。是世界娱乐产业巨擘孩之宝授权,龙与地下城版权公司威世 智监制,欧美神话级经典单机游戏《无冬之夜》的最新续作。作为西方纯正魔幻代表新生力作,《无冬online》拥有纯正龙与地下城设定,无锁定TPS自由战斗以及多元素地下城副本。还在等什么?马 上加入,一起寻找一个世界的快乐!





  中国网络游戏排行榜(China Game Weight Rank)是由新浪游戏推出的目前国内最全面、最专业、最公正的最新网络游戏评测排行榜,涵盖2010-2014内所有新游戏,力图为中国游戏玩家打造最值得信赖的新网游推荐平台。


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