2015-02-10 15:26

新浪游戏 > 单机游戏 > 游戏攻略 已有_COUNT_条评论



  打开 Data0.pak\data\scripts\minigames\lockpickminigame.scr(推荐用好压内部查看器打开)

  // LockpickDifficulty(s,    <-- difficulty identifier

  //   f,                     <-- durability (larger -> harder to break picklocks)

  //   f,                     <-- movement possibility range (angle around the required value where you can move the lock - angle per side)

  //   f,                     <-- success angle - how much can one deviate from the required angle and still succed(per side)

  //   f,                     <-- angle randomization range (per side)

  //   f)                     <-- angle randomization - excluded part (per side)

  sub main()


  LockpickDifficulty("easy", "&Lockpicking_Easy&", 1.9, 25.0, 360.00, 90.0, 0.0);

  LockpickDifficulty("medium", "&Lockpicking_Medium&", 1.9, 25.0, 360.00, 90.0, 0.0);

  LockpickDifficulty("hard", "&Lockpicking_Hard&", 1.9, 25.0, 360.00, 90.0, 0.0);

  LockpickDifficulty("imposible", "&Lockpicking_Imposible&", 1.9, 25.0, 360.00, 90.0, 0.0);


