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meilin10303 2002年05月20日 14
我曾经写过一篇关于把断球改容易一点的文章,我看点击率还是比较高的(证明大家有和我一样的苦衷),所以经过一段时间的实践,做了一些修改,同时我把我的ai.ini的全部内容都贴出来,在这几天的游戏过程中,我觉得改得还是比较合理的,至于大家怎么想,可以慢慢体会一下。 大多数人都说P级太难了,而且疯抢,这哪像是足球呀(高手除外),我改完之后,个人认为和电脑还是可以打出流畅的配合的,但提前说一点就是必须把pass改成assist,这是我的ai.ini: // // AI Prototyping configuration // // These are variables to play with to tune the gameplay or try alternative designs. // // The length of the field. The units are 16ths of a foot. FIELD_LENGTH = 5760 // The width of the field the units are 16th of a foot. FIELD_WIDTH = 3840 // 0 is the original pass model (auto targeting to players). // 1 is the new prototype pass model (powered and directed passing). // 2 is the new passing model with wall passes on L3... // 3 is the new assisted pass model with wall passes on L3... PASS_MODEL = 1 DIGITAL_SNAPTOANGLE = 46 // 0 is the original sprint model (rapid press to sprint, frequency dependent). // 1 is the new prototype pass model (hold to sprint) HOLD_SPRINT = 1 // 0 is the original functionality of the L2 and R2 buttons (dekes) // 1 is the new prototype functionality of the L2 and R2 buttons (curving passes) L2R2 = 0 // 60 is the original default value. Values from 40 to 80 are "reasonable". GAME_SPEED = 50 // 19 is the original default value. Values from 10 to 25 are "reasonable". POWERUP_RATE = 19 // Setting this to 1 will mean that powerup does not take into account the intensity of the button press (ie. Dualshock2 buttons will be treated as non-analog) FLAT_POWERUP = 0 // Defensive tactics on L2&R2 (attacking press and offside trap), 0=disabled 1=enabled DEFENSIVE_TACTICS = 1 // If this is turned off then you will have more control over your player when the ball is loose instead of being automatically drawn to it. AUTOSEEK = 1 // Button remapping. WARNING: use this at your own risk. If you fail to assign a button, or assign something twice, then the controls won't work properly. // Remapping a button switches ALL functionality for that button, so for example, changing LOB and SHOOT will also reverse SLIDE TACKLE and TACKLE. // SPELLING COUNTS! If you need help remapping buttons ask Jason. // pretty much just sprint (and icon passing) BUTTON_SPRINT = TRIANGLE // shooting and tackling BUTTON_SHOOT = CIRCLE // pass and switch player, also powerup on free kicks. BUTTON_PASS = CROSS // lob and slide tackle BUTTON_LOB = SQUARE // through pass (triggered run with new pass model), goalie charge and goalie drop ball. BUTTON_PASS2 = L1 // shielding and professional foul BUTTON_SHIELD = R1 // dekes (or curve) and defensive tactics BUTTON_AUX1 = L2 // dekes (or curve) and defensive tactics BUTTON_AUX2 = R2 //There are three setting for ref Strictness // 0 = normal // 1 = DEBUG EASY (no carding) // 2 = DEBUG STRICT REFEREE_STRICTNESS = 0 // 0 = none // 1 = R1 // 2 = idle (no dpad movement) SHIELDING = 1