
Wii2游戏阵容名单泄露 多款经典大作齐上阵

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月18日 18:21  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

  一份来自海外NeoGAF论坛目前在网络上盛传的任天堂新主机Project Cafe的游戏阵容名单,泄露了悉数游戏标题,真假未明。

  该名单按游戏的上市时期分为首发(Launch Games)、本体发卖后数个月内(Launch Window)、将来发卖游戏(Future Games)几个部分,分别列举了第一方和第三方的游戏标题,以下详细。(名单中写有Cafe代表新主机的开发代号Project Cafe的缩写)

  Project Cafe对应游戏阵容将于6月7日晚12点官方新闻发布会正式揭晓。

  --First Party--

  ::Launch Games::

  Extreme Sports Cafe ("New" IP, Combines 1080 and Wave Race + Other Sports)

  皮克敏 - Pikmin Cafe (Interfaces with Pikmin 3DS)

  无尽海洋 - Endless Ocean Cafe

  任天猫狗 - Nintendogs Cafe Kennel (Interfaces with Nintendogs + Cats)

  Mii Explore (New IP, Multiplayer Adventure Game)

  ::Launch Window::

  星之卡比2 - Kirby's Epic Yarn 2 (Launch Window, Multiplayer)

  瓦里奥 - Wario Ware Cafe (Launch - Launch Window?)

  ::Future Games::

  超级马里奥 - Super Mario Cafe (Late 2012/Early 2013, Paradigm Shift ala SM64)

  塞尔达传说 - Legend of Paper Zelda (Mid 2012, Paper Mario version of SNES Zelda)

  火焰纹章 - Fire Emblem Cafe (Late 2012)

  Retro Studios IP (Late 2012, New IP)

  Project Sora IP (New IP)

  Monolith Soft RPG (New IP)

  Miyamoto Game (New IP)

  --Third Party--

  ::Launch Games::

  战地3 - Battlefield 3 (Extra Content)

  街霸X铁拳 - Street Fighter X Tekken (Timed Exclusive)


  超级猴子球 - Super Monkey Ball Cafe

  鹰击长空 - Tony Hawk Cafe

  山脊赛车 - Ridge Racer Cafe

  质量效应3 - Mass Effect 3 (Possibly with ME 1 + 2?)


  龙之信条 - Dragons Dogma

  分裂细胞 - Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

  合金装备 崛起 - Metal Gear Solid: Rising (Extra Content)

  寂静岭 暴雨 - Silent Hill: Downpour (Extra Content)

  实况足球2013 - PES 2013 Cafe (Timed Exclusive)

  Trauma Center Cafe

  ::Launch Window::

  使命召唤 现代战争3 - Modern Warfare 3

  GTA5 - Grand Theft Auto V (Launch?, Timed Exclusive)

  死亡空间 - Dead Space Spin Off

  最终幻想 水晶编年史 - Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Cafe

  灵魂能力5 - Soul Caliber V (Extra Content)

  ::Future Games::

  索尼克 - Sonic Cafe (Sonic Generations?)

  猎天使魔女2 - Platinum Games IP (Bayonetta 2?)

  梦幻之星 在线2 - Phantasty Star Online 2 (Late 2012?)

  SEGA Game (???)

  The Amazing Spider-Man: The Game

  Rockstar Game (New IP?)

  生化奇兵 - BioShock Infinite (Timed Exclusive)

  Red Steel III

  超越善恶 - Beyond Good & Evil 2

  Doom 4(毁灭战士4)

  Madden 2013 (Timed Exclusive)

  Tiger Woods 13

  拳击之夜 - Fight Night Cafe

  极品飞车 - Need for Speed Cafe

  Level-5 Game (New IP)

  王国之心3 - Kingdom Hearts Cafe (Possibly KH3)

  Square Enix Game (New IP)

  Square Enix Game (???)

  英雄不再3 - Grasshopper Game (New IP or No More Heroes 3)

  Valve Game (Possibly a collection set + new game?)

  Epic Games (New IP, Bulletstorm 2 or New Gears of War Trilogy exclusive to Cafe)




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