just finished translating with the help of Ctacello another Q&A from Murazor, this took us a few hours to complete mostly because Murazor is by far worse than Storm when it comes to answering questions. Storm can be tough, he gives proper and direct answers most of the time, but Murazor instead, seems to not be able to type anything concise as he is more engaged on being childish and trollish, I tried to keep most of the content of the Q&A for you nevertheless.
感谢Ctacello翻译的又一篇来自Murazor的Q&A,实话说,Murazor就是个坑货,Storm虽然说话很刻薄,但是不 会刻意给你错误的答案,而Murazor看上去就是个熊孩子,还直接就是个喷子,说话贼不靠谱,我已经在这份Q&A里过滤掉一些没用的信息,开始 吧。
-Are there any plans to make changes in the M6A2E1? -First, what is wrong with the M6A2E1?
-When will be new Personal Missions come? -Not soon
–Murazor do you remember when you made a video saying that making T30 a TD instead of HT was a mistake. Would it ever become a HT in the future? -Unrealistic it will happen
-When there will be better graphics? -Graphics depends on content. New content: New Graphic features.
-Are there any plans to change the T110E4? Maybe lower changes of being ammoracked? I get Ammoracked or critically hit too often. -No plans for such thing.
–Who are making the WoT 2.0, one of the Minsk team or like MoO, other team? -Other Team. (RG: It’s another team, located in Seattle, US)
-Do you play on Super Test? How is it and is there only players with low ammount of battles? -I don’t watch players statistics, skills are not required because people just need to test the content.
-Will you buff the tier 4 Matilda? -No, Matilda is a very good tank and have the better penetration than many tier 5s.
-Will you make the referal system more popular? -Maybe.
-Do you know who worked on the Type 4 Heavy balance? -Yes
–How will you do the rebalance? Will you fix problems like view range, camo, penetration, type of shells or do a full rebuild? -No comment yet.
-Murazor says that the Type 59 is not okay in terms of standards but even if it gets buffed now it most likely will get nerfed again (Ctacello: Maybe after global rebalance there will be changes)
-About Sentinel AC I: “The Tank is bad I know”
关于哨兵AC I:“我知道这是台烂车。”
-What about arty? When will you fix it? -When global rebalance comes.
-Would be nice if you buffed the penetration of the M6A2E1. -Armor and penetration, you are asking for too much, in the future we will add one new premium tank with armor and better penetration, just be patient.
-Will the MAUS gun (12,8 cm Kw.K. 44 L/55), VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B and buff AMX 50 Foch (155) be buffed? -Now now.
–There are no plans at the moment to buff the AMX 50 Foch (155)
–Why you want to buff the tier 8 CZ? Compared to the tier 7 it’s a very good tank, you must buff the tier 7 instead because is has no DPM and the thing is useless on the hills. -The tier 7 CZ is overpowered (He means the 250 penetration value on premium shells)
-There wont be a possibility to sell premium vehicles for gold.
-Player whines that MAUS is much worse than E-100 and wants buff: There are no plans to buff the MAUS (“MAUS blocks twice as much damage as the E-100”)
-There wont be such a thing as option to activate Premium Account at a desired time.
-Its possible that the AMX 13 57 GF will be buffed in future.
-Will Caernarvon be buffed? I know it has received a new turret but seems that it wasnt been working at all. -Caernarvon turret blocks damage very well.
-There are no plans to change the AMX CDC: “CDC is very good at the moment”
没有计划对AMX CDC作出改动,它的数据不错。
-I have an integrated GPU. Is there any possibility to compress the SD client version a bit more so I can play on my potato PC? -Game is not designed for integrated GPUs
-IS-5 is fine, expect no changes.
–The speed of the 4202 wont be buffed to 40 km/h because its gun compensates for the lack of speed.
-There are no plans yet to introduce +/- 1 tier bellow tier 5, yet.
Why WG wont give back the compensation by gold? -“This is business, nothing personal.”
-Will you bring back Province? It was a good map. -It not a good map.
-Obj. 430 wont be buffed, however a replacement is possible.
Will you review the cost of premium shells? Some tanks have really expensive Premium shells. -Cost of shells is balanced depend of they are effectiveness