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坦克世界12月16日QA 捷克KonstruktaT-34 100
  2015-12-16 17:27:05


  The project started in 1953, when the Military Technical Institute received the task to mount a 100 mm vz. 44 S gun into theT-34/85 turret, which was required to be changed as little as possible. For various reasons, the project was not accepted into service and all attempts to raise the battle value of the T-34 design were dropped in favour of licenced production of theT-54.

  这个项目始于1953年,当时军事技术研究院接到任务,要求在尽可能少做修改的情况下,在T-34/85的炮塔里安装一门100mm vz. 44 S火炮。基于某些理由,该项目没有被批准服役。在选择了授权生产T-54之后,所有提升T-34作战能力的尝试都中止了。

  Now let's have a look at how this design is going to prove itself in World of Tanks!


The gun


  The guns tend to be the main selling points of Czechoslovakian tanks and it is no different with theT-34/100! Almost none of the gun parameters taken separately are actually the best of their Tier, but put them together and you get a really neat gun that you will quickly fall in love with! The 250 alpha damage of this bear-poker occupies joint-second place among the Tier VII medium tanks. The Czechoslovak is on par with the Chinese T-34-1, with which it also shares the same average armour penetration (175 mm).

  捷克斯洛伐克坦克的主要卖点就是主炮,这辆T-34/100也是如此。把这门主炮的各项指标单 独拿出来看的话,在它这个等级上都不是最好的。但是,把这些指标结合在一起后,就是一门相当不错的主炮,你会爱上它的。在7级中坦中,这门炮的250单发 伤害排名并列第二。和中系的T-34-1处于同一水平,穿深也一样(175mm)。

  While there certainly are more precise and faster aiming medium tanks, none of the other competitors combines high alpha damage and penetration with a solid dispersion (0.38) and a swift 2.4 seconds aiming time.


  The premium shells have the best penetration amongst medium tanks for their Tier, being capable of penetrating up to 250 mm of armour... on Tier VII!


  It's not all sunshine and rainbows though. Some of your well thought out actions might get spoiled by the rather disappointing depression of the gun as it can go down only by 5°.


  Mobility & Armour


  Let's not beat around the bush. This tank has neither excellent mobility, nor armour. The chassis is pretty much the same as the originalT-34sitting at Tier V and the turret has the same protection as the T-34-85 at Tier VI. And it's the same story with mobility as the T-34/100 engine has only 520 hp.


  So the armour thickness is irrelevant and the mobility is quite mediocre for a medium vehicle. But don't get fooled by that! Because considering what you are hauling around in your turret, it's definitely worth it!


  The Gameplay


  So how does all this translate into the gameplay? It's actually a lot of fun for all those who like to be sneaky. There is nothing better than to poke the bear with a huge smirk on your face! You have two basic options: either you stay far away or you stay in a pack. Your contribution will be great both if you play as part of a pack of medium tanks as well as if you choose to join the heavy cavalry.


  Don't try to start any offensive operations on your own though, as you don't really have the stubbornness needed for such an endeavour. Instead, hide among others and try to stay invisible. Hit enemies who are engaged in a fight with your allies and watch how their health drops fast.


  It works the same for lone wolfs. Even though the gun is not exactly for snipers, it can still serve you well from a bush far away, so don't be afraid to take advantage of your allies spotting the enemies. The great advantage you have over your opponents is that you are driving the second best spotter amongst its Tier and kind, so you can even spot some of your targets yourself. You can bet that your enemies will not be happy when a bush is hitting them for 250 points at a time!

  这辆车也可以单独行动。虽然对于黑枪来说,主炮不是非常合适,但仍然可用于远距离的蹲坑战术,所以多利用队友 来点亮敌人吧。相比你的对手,你有个巨大的优势,就是在7级中坦中,你的视野时第二好的,所以你甚至可以自点自打。被一个草丛一次打掉250血量,敌人肯 定是不会开心的。










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