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新浪游戏  2015-05-21 18:33


  I’m not camping – I’m just waiting for the right moment to strike! Croissant anyone? No? Ok…




  By the end of World War II, Europe was crippled and in a dire need of recovery both in terms of economy and military security, especially with the USA and USSR emerging from the ashes as two superpowers. In order to secure the country’s independence and bring France back to its former status as a ‘great power’, the French started to rebuild their armament industry. The Treaty of Brussels from 1948 established a common defence agreement among European countries and produced a need for an indigenous armoured vehicle, capable of facing American and Soviet machines on equal terms. France’s response was the AMX 50 series。

  二战结束后,满地废墟的欧洲国家只能选择跪舔美国或者苏联,为了口吃的没有什么不能放下的,但是傲娇如我法兰基怎能长期曲居人下?恢复五大流氓 的尊严,重新找会独立大国地位才是有理想的流氓。因此重建自己的国产军火生产能力是最重要的本钱。布鲁塞尔条约签署于1948年,该条约则主要着眼于西欧 团结起来抵御德国可能的再行武装行动,这是北约的前身。条约要求法国能够武装自己,以能虐当时的美国和苏联坦克为目标,法国设计了AMX50B。

  Originally planned as a medium tank, the AMX 50 underwent many changes throughout its development which forced the engineers to reclassify the vehicle as a heavy tank. Facing the Soviet heavy tank threat, the French had no other choice but to sacrifice the initial low weight of the vehicle for the sake of better protection. However, these upgrades resulted in an inefficient h.p./tonne ratio, as well as in a number of additional problems with mechanical reliability. Another issue was the engine, which was supposed to have a 1200 h.p. output. Despite the efforts of both French and German engineers, power simply wouldn’t increase over 1000 h.p. despite lowering the cast hull and installing a lighter type of turret。

  最初的设计是一个中型坦克,所以能跑这么快。但是从德国设计那里学来了水多加面和面多加水的绝技以后你懂的。面临苏联新式武器的重大威胁,法国 不得不牺牲一些指标来让这辆车更能打。然而,这些升级导致了低效的推重比。以及在许多其他问题与机械可靠性。另一个问题是发动机,它应该有一个1200马 力的输出功率,但是德国和法国工程师搞到死都无法超过1000马力。因此炮塔被迫只能使用轻巧裸奔的设计。

  The problems with the engine turned out to be fatal for the project. Having no effective solution, in 1956 the French decided to delay production. To support this decision, rapid advances in hollow charge technology at the end of the decade seemed to render heavy tanks obsolete in modern armoured warfare doctrine, while putting the fast and swift medium tanks in the spotlight. Despite efforts to redesign the AMX 50 again to fit the new standards, no solution to the engine problems could be found, and as a result the project was terminated。

  发动机问题是项目的致命弱点,由于没有有效的解决方案,在1956年法国决定推迟生产。由于在之后的十年里破甲弹技术发展远远超越了装甲的科技 速度,金B弹泛滥后重型坦克的防护变的毫无意义。(我们的游戏真的很历史)尽管努力再次重新设计AMX50以适应新的标准,发动机还是没能取得进步,项目 最终被放弃。

  However, the development process was not entirely a waste. In fact, many solutions developed for the AMX 50 were later used in the AMX 30 and AMX-56 Leclerc designs。


  Ready your ammo drums – you will be emptying them quickly enough!





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