Four juicy red-hot portions of lead coming right up!
In-Game Performance
The AMX 50 B can be described as a very unique vehicle in its class. It is capable of reaching an impressive speed of 65 km/h, which makes it the fastest heavy tank in the game. In addition, good acceleration and manoeuvrability both add to the vehicle’s mobility. This means you can reach key positions on the map before the enemy and quickly relocate if needed. Another great feature of the tank is its excellent 170 mm frontal armour plate. This is additionally mounted at a very acute angle, significantly increasing the chances of a ricochet. The armament is something anyone facing the vehicle will fear – the AMX 50 B is armed with the reasonably accurate 120 mm SA46 gun, capable of penetrating 257 mm of armour and dealing an average of 400 damage points per shot. What’s more, the gun comes with an autoloader and drums containing four shells each. This configuration allows you to shoot four times every 2.5 seconds and deal considerable burst damage before the drum is empty
50B是这个游戏里最非流氓的角色,他居然能跑到65公里/小时,不但把绝大多数重坦远远甩开,就是中坦也多数只能在后面吃灰。此外,良好的加 速性和可操作性都增加了车辆的风骚程度。这意味着你可以在别人真正的老公出现之前糟蹋掉妹子然后穿上裤子走人。就这样重坦中的轻坦性能,居然还有 170MM发达的前胸肌。对于逗B来说50B硬的跟三炮一样。当然这还不是最让人恐惧的,他拥有爆发力惊人的四蛋神鸟,120毫米SA46,257穿深 400伤害的4连发,间隔很短抽插频率高,准头好、APCR弹种优良,自动锁定轻松让你怀孕。
Unfortunately, the vehicle has also a few major disadvantages you need to take into consideration when in battle. First and foremost, you need to bear in mind that the front side of the hull is practically the only armoured part of this vehicle – each shot fired at your sides, rear and especially at the turret will penetrate and deal damage. In addition, the vehicle is quite large, and you can rest assured that the risk of being spotted is high. Even though the AMX 50 B is capable of delivering a lot of damage in a short period of time, replacing an empty drum is a very long process which leaves you defenceless and vulnerable at the time. Last but not least, you need to remember that your HP pool is very low in comparison to other Tier X heavy tanks. This means that if you get exposed, your vehicle can end up destroyed very quickly。
然尔我们的游戏是平衡的,除了胸肌外这车全身菊花和软肋都是弱点,尤其是打流氓就要打脸。打脸除了掉血还能顺便损害他耍流氓的能力。此外这个 流氓喜欢装B所以到哪里都能被轻易发现。即便他那方面功基力很强,但是不硬期轻易被狗骑。在他射完4发以后全身绵软的时候最适合了结他的狗命。只有区区 2100HP的生命值很难熬过不硬期。
If you want to drive your AMX 50 B effectively (or any other vehicle from the series for that matter), you need to remember one crucial thing – you are NOT a frontline tank and you should NOT lead the charge against anything heavier than SPGs and light tanks. Your primary role in the team is to support your heavier and better armoured teammates, and let them draw the attention of the enemy while dealing damage from behind cover yourself。
Player tip: Please bear in mind that your team will rely on your fire during combat, and will be expecting you to attack or finish off the enemies they’re engaged with. Remember that replacing an empty ammo drum takes a lot of time, so we advise you to ALWAYS signal the team when you’re reloading. This way, your teammates will be able to adjust their tactic and wait for you instead of putting themselves under fire in a vain hope for your support. You can report reloading your drum by pressing the F8 button。
老司机指点你:由于这个世界实在太需要你,所以你最好让自己更有效率, 没事不要偷懒,多按几下F8通报别人你的蛋夹淫亏状况和恢复情况,以免别人性冲冲等你来办事,结果你却还硬不起来。让别人自己动手解决这种状况很不绅士的。
*Please note that all crew members except the driver also serve as loaders and can learn the skills reserved for loaders. Therefore, it would be wise to have one of them learn the Safe Stowage skill in order to minimise your chances of having your ammo rack destroyed。