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新浪游戏  2015-05-20 17:49


  Hello everyone,

  today, we are going to have a detailed look at the Soviet heavy tank, Object 777.





  In the first half of the 50′s, Soviet tank design bureaus were working on creating a new generation of heavy tanks, the best known of which would later become the T-10 (IS-8). There were however other projects as well – better and more powerful. The boom of the heavy tank design in the early 50′s was heavily influenced by the fact, that (according to Soviet data, anyway) the Americans were building armored vehicles en masse and were preparing new very powerful projects of both medium and heavy tanks (here, the Soviet sources list the “T43 heavy tank” as “matching the T-10 in power”)。

  在上世纪的50年代,苏联的坦克设计局们不断刷新着时髦值. 虽然其中最有名而且量产并最终装备很久的是T-10(IS-8)。其实还有很多更好更强大的项目毛子用油纸包好藏起来,万一将来开游戏公司可以拿来骗钱。 苏联的坦克设计行业在50年代如此繁荣不是没有原因的,不靠谱的情报认为美国正在开发两个可以吊打全服的两个中型坦克和重型坦克项目(苏联人随便给他们取 的名字是T43重型坦克和T10中型坦克)


  The first proposals for the new tank were sent to the Ministry of Transport and Heavy Machinery in June 1953, describing project variants of several heavy tanks, weighing from 46 to 50 tons. During the drawing creation, these recieved the designation of Object 752 and Object 777 (the latter being the object of this article). These drawings included more powerful guns (the 122mm M62-T2 for example), new hull and turret designs, as well as suspension (using hydraulics or individual torsion bars)。

  1953年6月第一个方案被提交给交通运输和重型机械部。方 案描述了几个重型坦克项目的改进,从46〜50吨重的都有。开始画图工作以后,得到了正式的编号752工程和777工程,这些项目计划强大的火力,比如游 戏里非常坑爹的122毫米M62-T2,完美跳弹设计车体和炮塔,以及液压或机械扭杆新悬挂系统。


  These vehicles were designed by ChKZ (Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant), which also designed new powerplant for the heavy vehicles: the 850-900hp V-7 diesel. The armor was designed specifically to protect the vehicle from new types of weapons. One interesting feature of the Object 777 was the remote-controlled AA 14,5mm machinegun KVP, another was the commander’s stabilized optics (TKNS) and the design of the hull and turret, both of which were made by casting with welded bottom。


  At the same time (June 1953), a 1:10 mock-up of the vehicle was created and the assembled materials were sent to the abovementioned ministry in December 1953. Despite the fact that the development continued into 1954 however, the vehicle project was rejected. The vehicle was however in the ministry report rated higher than the T-10.

  1953年6月,1:10的模型被制造出来提报给有关部门, 项目从53年12月进行到54年就被叫停了,头脑清醒的苏联有关部门表示:我们又不是在军队里开坦克设计博览会的德国猪,你们给我们全新制造一个除了外观 被踩扁其他都一样的T-10(IS-8)出来,当我们是德国凯子吗?

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