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24号Q&A 没熟练车组你怎么和新手死磕
新浪游戏  2015-04-24 17:11

  23.04.2015 Q&A

  Here it is:


  - Storm states that it is not true that Severogorsk and Northwest maps were fine at first and that they only got worse and and worse after WG "improvements" - according to him even the first versions were really bad when it comes to heat maps;


  - Apparently, 9.7 has a nasty bug where multiple players see individual missions they completed previously as incomplete (and unavailable), Storm will investigate;


  - The AMX-13/75 buff doesn't concern only the gun but the entire tank;


  - Multicore support? "We are working on it in parallel" - "when it's done it's done";

  多核支持?“我们已经同时在做啦”——“when it's done大法好”

  - Developers haven't forgotten the Stronghold mode, upgrades (for example the special magazine) are being developed;


  - According to Storm, IS-4 armor in 9.7 is correct;


  - There are no plans to abandon the Scaleform UI;

  没计划废弃Scaleform UI

  - There are no plans for accuracy buff for near future;


  - There are no plans to sell the M56 Scorpion at all, it will be obtainable through missions;


  - All the vehicle classes are being re-balanced to fit more their intended roles, this is an ongoing process;


  - It's possible to use twinks in order to get into the "newbie" low tier matches, but: "what will it give you? Games with an untrained crew but with personal experience? Enjoy!"


  - It's not possible to limit noobs from playing high tiers: "in such a case, very few people would play tier 8-10"。




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