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科普向 很优秀但对不起IS5你是个好人
新浪游戏  2015-04-23 19:08

  Hello everyone,


  today, a new Soviet tier 8 heavy premium tank is getting introduced to the supertest – it’s called IS-5 (Object 730) and here’s a short preview of its history and how it’s going to look。


科普向 很优秀但对不起IS5你是个好人

  Object 730 (also known under its IS-5 designation) was a Soviet heavy tank and a precursor to the later design known as the IS-8 (or T-10). To avoid confusion: there were two IS-5 tanks actually. One was a modified IS-2 (also known as Object 248), the other is this one。

  730工程也就是IS-5其实是苏联著名的IS-8(T- 10)重型坦克的原型车,需要说明一下以免混淆的是其实有两个被命名为IS-5的坦克,其中一个是IS-2的改进型坦克,248工程,另一个就是他。(那 个年代争相向老板拍马屁是常态,不同单位重名拍一起去了很正常)

  The development of this vehicle started in late 1948. The goal was nothing less than complete overhaul (modernization) of the IS-4 heavy tank in order to increase its performance. The designers of the vehicle (Chelyabinsk plant) proposed to replace a number of internal components and to make the entire vehicle weigh less (specifically, to lower the weight from IS-4′s 60 tons to 50 tons. This “slimming”, along with the use of modernized engine was to assure better combat characteristics。


  The early variant of Object 730 was developed in Spring 1949 by the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant (ChTZ) by a team led by Zh.J.Kotin. It was quite different from the original IS-4, especially the turret was reworked to implement the lessons learned during the IS-3 and IS-7 development. The transmission, suspension and loading mechanism were updated as well, the combat and engine compartments also underwent complete overhaul. The new modernized turret was cast with variable thickness and was fitted with the classic D-25T gun in a new mount, that was sturdier and also easier to fix and install. The gun was fitted with new electromechanical shell loading assistant for higher rate of fire。

  730工程的早期改进型号于1949年春天由车里雅宾斯克的 Zh.J.Kotin团队提出,他们跳出了原有IS-4的框架创造了一个全新的方案(用改进的名义骗经费做了个新车)。尤其是炮塔变化最大,类似IS-3 到IS-7的演化。传动,悬挂和发动机都进行了彻底的改革。炮塔采用了新的厚度变化铸造设计,安装了改进的D25T传家宝。更坚固耐用利于维护。新的电动 辅助装填设备甚至提高了射速。

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