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新浪游戏  2015-03-16 17:50

  Not much today。


  -Storm states that making ultra-HD texture pack makes no sense. The difference would only be noticeable from like one meter distance in hangar and only like 0,1 percent of players would download it anyway. In words of Storm: “It would be absolutely pointless to waste time on creating, testing, distribution and support of this pack。”;


  -WG is currently working on complete analysis and rework of WoWp, they want to fix it and revive it;


  -Mines were tested in WoWs internally but with unsatisfactory results (RG: I would revise the whole camouflage system before trying anything else. Makes no sense that a ship can cloak at 500m on open sea and with no smoke deployed)。

  战舰世界里头是测试过水雷的,但是测试结果不是特别令人满意 (RG:我觉得在重新审视一下伪装机制之前先别干别的。一艘船在500m的距离上没有烟雾掩护还不被点亮一点都说不过去)



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