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http://games.sina.com.cn 2006-06-16 14:16 新浪游戏

  作者Oxhorn精心演唱并制作了这首科多兽赞歌《The Great Kodo》的MV,全片风格轻松幽默,画面华丽明快,歌曲优美抒情,近期MV类作品的佳作。推荐观看! 


游戏视频汇总  新浪宽频

:( by Brandon M. Dennis)

"There is a certain beast that doesn live in snow
Nor mountain lands nor jungle vales nor in the sea you know
He wanders thriving grasslands and travels rolling plains
And is known by the Tauren as the great kodo

He got a massive horn and a sturdy rugged back
Can bear a Tauren or some baggage piled up in a stack
There is no other creature that can bear the Tauren weight
For they give other beasts a heart attack

No raptor mount or skelly horse or riding wolf will do
For they are only adequate for cooking in a stew
The kodo may be hungry and destroy your pumpkin farm
But the clumsy hungry kodo has a certain kind of charm

He hails from my birthplace, the great Mulgore land
And if you were truly honest you would surely understand that there
Ain no creature in the land or the sea quite as dear to me as the great kodo

The kodo is descended from the mighty steggadon
But except for in the deep crater the steggadon are gone
He migrated through Tanarus and north through Thousand Pins
And now he prances happily on Tauren owned lawn

He bore up the Tauren for a thousand years or more
Was used for leather for our tents, inspired our songs of lore
We owe the mighty kodo for sustaining our whole race
He抯 the most honored herbivore in all Mulgore

No ugly ram or silly horse or riding cat will do
For they are only adequate for grinding into glue
The kodo may be hungry and destroy your pumpkin farm
But the clumsy hungry kodo has a certain kind of charm

He hails from my birthplace, the great Mulgore land
And if you were truly honest you would surely understand that there
Ain no creature in the land or the sea quite as dear to me as the great kodo

Some may see the kodo as an ugly scary beast
Probably them humans from the land far to the east
I can surely tell you that the kodo is quite tame
But if you touch his horns you wind up quite deceased

Passive beasts of burden, we use in time of war
When they would wander through our lands and do things we abhor
The legendary great kodo shall serve us once again
And shall be our closest friend forevermore

No silly mecho-bird for Gnomes will ever do
For they always squawk and squeak and spit our oily goo
The kodo may be hungry and destroy your pumpkin farm
But the clumsy hungry kodo has a certain kind of charm

He hails from my birthplace, the great Mulgore land
And if you were truly honest you would surely understand that there
Ain no creature in the land or the sea quite as dear to me as the great kodo"



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