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Security Engineer 软件安全工程师
http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-07-15 10:36 新浪游戏

  Location: Shanghai, China


  •Organize and manage network security solution and process, establish sound security protection and disaster recovery plan; setup network security
structure, standard and audit plan;

  •Assess game security condition, provide necessary measures against security risks;

  •Reinforce, spot check, and monitor game and server security;

  •Apply security policy based on latest hacker news;

  •Keep tack of latest security trend and technology;

  Requirements :

  •Familiar with security equipments, standard and policies (such as: firewall, IDS, security audit, port scan, authentication, encryption system ); familiar with major security products, e.g. software, hardware firewall and security tools.

  •Familiar with different security applications, integration, security strategy, risk estimation, and optimization, etc. Experienced in anti hacker, port scan and maintenance;

  •Bachelor degree in computer science or related fields.

  •Working knowledge of UNIX (Solaris and Linux) environments.

  •2+ year software security experiences.

  •Self starter and can work independently.

  •Strong problem solving abilities.

  •Highly detail oriented and can follow through task without supervision.

  •Strong communication skills.

  •High integrity is required

  •May be required to travel

  Desirable Skills:

  •English fluency

  •Large online game security experiences.

  •Avid gamer


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