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Project Manager (Associate Producer)项目经理
http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-07-15 10:27 新浪游戏

  Location: Shanghai, China

  Key responsibilities:

  •Building and tracking major online game projects.

  •Working with producers and key project stake holders to define milestones and delivery date.

  •Managing weekly project status meetings.

  •dentifying and trouble-shooting any project bottlenecks.

  •Establishing a clear change management process.

  •Interfacing with internal stakeholders to assure product delivery on time and under budget.

  •Coordinating internal as well as external resources such as overseeing outsourcing contractors.

  Requirements/ experience :

  •Ability to gather realistic estimates on Engineering, Art, Design, QA, and Operation for a game project.

  •Must be detail oriented and a self starter.

  •Excellent interpersonal communication skills in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English required.

  •Ability to create and track project plans with minimal supervision.

  •Ability to handle crisis.

  •Proven track record in successful game related projects and seeing the project through from start to finish.

  •Good presentation and project management skills, ability to use visualization tools such as MS Project, PowerPoint and Visio .

  •1+ year experiences in a game company May be required to travel.

  Desirable Skills:

  •Product management experiences

  •Online game operation experiences

  Market research experiences

  •Classical or computer art production experiences especially with art tools such as Photoshop, Maya, and Max.

  •Computer sciences or related background.


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