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Job Title: Art Lead (Product Research)
http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-05-16 13:17 新浪游戏

  Job Title: Art Lead (Product Research)

  Location: Shanghai, China


  Provide feedback and direction to customize US produced artwork for Chinese game market and visual standards.

  Guide and participate in the product research and design of characters, environment, storyboards or overall look/feel for a test art work.

  Conduct critiques with clear and consistent direction to art survey.

  Create look/feel boards, and style guide.

  Generate design strategies for products while maintaining integrity of licensed IP and licensor style guides

  Train junior art staff.


  Minimum of 3 years complete titles/productions that have shipped, experience with online games is highly desirable

  Minimum of 2 years of either Maya or Max experiences.

  Ability to inspire and lead junior staff while maintaining consistent work output

  Must be able to communicate effectively with all levels of studio staff and external market survey stakeholders.

  Balance impacts of deadlines and resources with style and quality requirements of a prototype’s Art Direction.

  If coming from outside the game industry, new hires will be expected to learn/understand how game-play and real time issues can affect overall Art Direction and develop techniques to compensate for such limitations

  Good ability to visually and verbally communicate complex mechanical and emotional concepts

  Ability to quickly ideate and develop a wide array of concepts for new and in-progress products

  May be required to travel.

  Desirable Skills:

  Ability to speak and write English is highly desired

  Avid gamer

  Fine arts degree

  Computer graphic and effect theory.


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