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Job Title: Assistant Game Designer (Product Research)
http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-05-16 13:17 新浪游戏

  Job Title: Assistant Game Designer (Product Research)

  Location: Shanghai, China


  Working with EA China team to define the audience and strategy.

  Adapting content and features of existing EA games to be suitable for Chinese audience and market.

  Designing new features and game systems, particularly multi-player features.

  Working with internal design or production talent to bring an idea from an initial concept to a fully articulated design document.

  Iterating game designs through all stages of product definition cycle to ensure high quality standards.

  Interfacing with international development resources and local designers to share key learning and design strategies.


  3+ years online MMOG and/or casual game design experience

  5+ years experience developing PC or online entertainment products.

  Strong knowledge of gaming trends in China and Asia

  Excellent game design and creative problem solving skills.

  Proven track record of designing innovative interactive games

  Ability to conceptualize, prototype and iterate game ideas

  Strong written and verbal communication skills

  May be required to travel.

  Desirable Skills:

  Fluent English is highly desired

  Computer Art or Computer Science background

  Experience with online/workgroup documentation tools such as Wiki

  Ability to use high-level scripting tools (Flash, DHTML, etc), MS Excel, or other tools to create functional prototypes and mockups.


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