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Job Title: Assistant Producer (Product Research)
http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-05-16 13:16 新浪游戏

  Job Title: Assistant Producer (Product Research)

  Location: Shanghai, China


  Working with EA US team to define the look and features for China casual game market.

  Managing a list of avatar features for the prototype production.

  Working with art and design staff to bring an idea from an initial concept to finished avatar items for product positioning campaigns.

  Iterating avatar features through the prototyping stage to ensure high quality standards.

  Interfacing with internal stakeholders to assure product strategies.

  Coordinating external market researchers.


  Ability to find data to verify essential features for avatar design and production

  Excellent interpersonal communication skills in both Chinese (Mandarin) and English required.

  Ability to create and track project plans with minimal supervision.

  Ability to handle crisis.

  Proven track record in successful product positioning campaign.

  Good presentation skills, ability to use visualization tools such as PowerPoint and Visio

  1+ year experiences in a game company

  May be required to travel.

  Desirable Skills:

  Project management experiences

  Product management experiences

  Online game operation experiences

  Market research experiences

  Classical or computer art production experiences especially with art tools such as Photoshop, Maya, and Max.

  Professional Quality Assurance Experiences

  Ability to use high-level project management tools such as MS Project.


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