2011-08-17 20:52

新浪游戏 > 单机游戏 > 游戏攻略 已有_COUNT_条评论


  Relic LocationsLocations of the relics。

  •The Breath: N/A

  •The Ritual: Hidden under dirt in the mountains。(在山里面的泥土里)

  •The Roar of the Sea: N/A

  •The First Power: N/A

  •The Thousand Sources: Located on a hill thats near the Jellify Water power。(在靠近Jellify Water power的一个小山上)

  •Wildfires: After moving your second Totem, find the relic above the location where you moved the second Totem to。(在前往第二个图腾的路上)

  •Waves: Located on a hill near the Jellify Water Totem。(在Jellify Water Totem附近的小山上)

  •High Tides: N/A

  •The Tears of Stone: Located on the back side of the volcano。(在火山背后)

  •The Raging Earth: South of the Fire Repel Relic。(Fire Repel Relic的南边)

  •Emergence: Find this underwater in-between the spawn point and the Amplify the Breath Totem。(在水下的重生点和Amplify the Breath Totem的中间位置)

  •Movements: N/A

  •Origins: N/A
