2010-05-07 13:19

新浪游戏 > 单机游戏 > 游戏攻略 已有_COUNT_条评论


  Vocalize Being Pounded By Hunter



  Vocalize PlayerAskReady

  Ask Team If They Are Ready 

  Vocalize PlayerFollowMe

  Ask The Team To Follow You 

  Vocalize PlayerFriendlyFire

  Vocalize Reaction To Friendly-Fire 

  Vocalize PlayerFriendlyFireInflictor

  Vocalize Sorry by Friendly-Fire 

  Vocalize PlayerHelp

  Ask For Help 

  Vocalize PlayerHurrah

  Vocalize Hurrah! (Encouragement) 

  Vocalize PlayerHurryUp

  Vocalize Let's Go 

  Vocalize PlayerImWithYou

  Say You Agree / Are With Your Team 

  Vocalize PlayerIncoming

  Notify Your Team A Horde Is Coming 

  Vocalize PlayerKillThatLight

  Tell teammate To Turn Of Their Flashlight 

  Vocalize PlayerLaugh

  Vocalize Laughing 

  Vocalize PlayerLeadOn

  Tell A Teammate To Take The Lead 

  Vocalize PlayerLookOut

  Tell Your Team/Teammate To Watch Out! 

  Vocalize PLayerMoveOn

  Tell Your Team We Should Get Moving 

  Vocalize PlayerNiceJob

  Vocalize Nice Job! 

  Vocalize PlayerNiceShot

  Vocalize Nice Shot! (Only works per-few minutes)

  Vocalize PlayerYes

  Vocalize Yes! 

  Vocalize PlayerNo

  Vocalize No! 

  Vocalize PlayerReloading

  Vocalize Reloading

  Vocalize PlayerReviveFriend

  Vocalize Reviving A Teammate 

  Vocalize PlayerReviveFriendCritical

  Vocalize Reviving A Teammate From A Critical Situation

  Vocalize PlayerSorry

  Tell your Team/Teammate You're Sorry! 

  Vocalize PlayerStayTogether

  Tell Your Team To Stick Together 

  Vocalize PlayerTaunt

  Vocalize Taunting 

  Vocalize PlayerThanks

  Say Thank You! 

  Vocalize PlayerThisWay

  Tell Your Team Infected Go This Way

  Vocalize PlayerWaithere

  Vocalize Wait Here! 

  Vocalize PlayerWarnCareful

  Vocalize Be Careful 

  Vocalize PlayerWatchOutBehind

  Tell Your Team Infected Are Coming From Behind 

  Vocalize PlayerYouAreWelcome

  Vocalize You're Welcome 

  Vocalize YouWelcome

  Vocalize More Casual you're Welcome 

  Vocalize CommentJockey

  Mention Hearing A Jockey (Only works per-few minutes)

  Vocalize PlayerYellRun

  Vocalize Empathetic Run 

  Vocalize PlayerBackUp

  Vocalize Back! Back! Back!

  Vocalize PlayerTransition

  Chat (Only works per-few minutes)

  Vocalize PlayerAnswerLostCall

  Holy Shit!

  Rochelle 劇情語音


  Vocalize C5M1_intro009

  There's the bridge You sure they're going to be there?

  Coach 劇情語音


  Vocalize C5M1_intro002

  Thanks, Virgil. You stay safe, brother。

  Vocalize C5M1_intro005

  We're almost home free, people。

  Vocalize C5M1_intro008

  Oh yeah. Our goal is right next to the bridge。

  Vocalize C5M1_intro010

  All right people, let's get to that bridge。

  Vocalize C5M1Flyby03

  It means they haven't abandoned New Orleans。

  Vocalize C5M2_signcontagious01

  It sure is。

  Vocalize C5M2Freeway01

  Allright, then, let's follow it

  Vocalize C5M3Bodies01

  [annoyed] How does bein' so right feel, Nick?

  Vocalize C5M3Bodies03

  I don't know Shit! We gonna keep movin'。

  Ellis 劇情語音


  Vocalize C5M1_intro002

  Thanks, brother!

  Vocalize WorldC502Horse3

  Who ain't right in the head now?

  Vocalize C5M3Bodies01

  This is givin' me the creeps more than them zombies。

  Vocalize C5M3Bodies02

  People shootin' people, that Shit ain't right, man。

  Nick 劇情語音


  Vocalize C5M1_intro006

  You mean that blurry line on the horizon? Blablabla…

  Vocalize C5M1_intro007

  Seeing the bridge and getting to it are two different things。

  Vocalize C5M1Flyby02

  I got a bad feeling about that…

  Vocalize C5M2Freeway01

  Let's follow it。

  Vocalize C5M2Horse001

  Nice observation, Ellis。

  Vocalize C5M3Bodies02

  Somebody? Christ! Coach, you know who did this?

  Vocalize C5M3Bodies04

  [contemplative, to self] Not good。

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