2010-04-08 13:55

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  01 Escape From Madness 0:38 

  02 The Vengeful Spartan 1:21

  03 Kratos and the Sea 2:21

  04 Have Faith 1:21 

  05 The Splendor of Athens 2:09

  06 This City Will Be Your Grave 0:24

  07 Ares Destroys Athens 1:13

  08 Mind the Cyclops 2:09

  09 Athenian Battle 3:07

  10 Exploring the Ruins 2:02

  11 Athens Rooftops Fighting 2:39

  12 Save the Oracle Challenge 1:35

  13 Kratos' Evil Past 2:01

  14 Too Late 1:58

  15 The Great Sword Bridge of Athena 2:17

  16 What the Oracle Spoke 1:09

  17 The Story of Chronos 1:17

  18 Battle the Lethal Sirens 2:28

  19 The Temple of Pandora 0:36

  20 Pandoran Cyclopes Attack 1:42

  21 The Architect's Mysteries 2:00

  22 Zeus' Wrath Divine 3:04

  23 The Underwater World of Poseidon 3:04

  24 Minotaur Boss Battle 1:57

  25 Burning Visions 1:15

  26 Pandora's Box 1:00

  27 Hades, God of the Underworld 1:13

  28 The Fury of Ares 1:26

  29 Duel With Ares 2:26

  30 Enthroned on Mount Olympus 1:57

  31 God of War End Title 5:06


  01 God of War II - Main Titles

  02 The Glory of Sparta

  03 The Way of the Gods

  04 Colossus of Rhodes

  05 The Bathhouse

  06 Death of Kratos

  07 The End Begins

  08 Typhon Mountain

  09 Waking the Sleeping Giant

  10 Battle for the Skies

  11 Exploring the Isle

  12 The Isle of Creation

  13 The Summit of Sacrifice

  14 An Audience with Cronos

  15 The Barbarian King Returns

  16 Bog of Lost Souls

  17 Battle in the Bog

  18 Crossing the Lowlands

  19 Atlas

  20 Palace of the Fates

  21 Phoenix Rising

  22 Ashen Spire

  23 Athena

  24 The Battle for Olympus

  25 Junkie XL Colossus Remix

  26 Blood of Destiny

  27 God-Like


  01 God of War III Overture

  02 Call to Arms

  03 Poseidon's Wrath

  04 Revenge Falling

  05 Anthem of the Dead

  06 Depths of Hades

  07 The Forge of Hephaestus

  08 Labor of Destruction

  09 The Three Judges

  10 The Lost Souls

  11 Duel with Hades

  12 Tides of Chaos

  13 Stalker

  14 The Muse's Song

  15 Brothers of Blood

  16 Lure of a Goddess

  17 The March of Tartarus

  18 The Great Machine

  19 Pandora's Song

  20 Revenge Rising

  21 All for Nothing

  22 Rage of Sparta

  23 In the Face of Fear

  24 End of Vengeance



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