2010-03-23 22:25

新浪游戏 > 下载中心 > 单机游戏 > 编辑修改 已有_COUNT_条评论




  F1 Money And Honour

  | Gets you loads of money and honour + freezes this amount

  | (you need to gain or lose some first)


  | F2 Resources

  | Gets you loads of Resources (Wood, Tools, Spices..。.)

  | Need to gain bit first also, to get massive Spices, gain 1 spice.。.


  | NOTE: Might be disabled after saving, just disable and enable again,

  |       to get massive wood again: just delete lumberjack building, and

  |       replace by a new one, will gather and give you massive recourses

  |       do same for fish, spices, ropes, all :) importing one also works :)


  | F3 Stop Population increase/decrease

  | Stop people fleeing your city!


  | F4 No Ship Limit

  | As many ships as you want!


  | F5 Unlimited Military Budget

  | As many military buildings as you want :)


  | F6 Get 999 Storage Capacity

  | Build a market building to activate (needs to be increased a little before it works)



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  * 本站资源均经过病毒查杀,单下载之后仍请大家自行查杀以便决定是否使用。部分资源可能被360等杀毒软件提示,部分报毒会与补丁有关。如果您有顾虑怕危害电脑,请您谨慎下载。
  * 任何资源若有侵权之处请及时联系我们(私信@新浪单机电视游戏或发邮件到archangel0905#sina.com.cn 请把#换成@)以便尽快处理。