《闪点行动2》MOD联机任务:Summit Push USMC coop4人合作地图
简介:PLA forces are in control of a bridge critical in the reinforcement of USMC squads on the eastern front. It is your fire team's job to take out the enemy emplacements and clear the surrounding area of PLA threat. After this is accomplished you should meet back up with the convoy in Madlenka. The area is too hot for a helicopter extraction unless you take out two known AA camps to the north and south of your primary objective. Keep on task and do not push too far east! Sally up Marines!
使用方法:把解压出的内容放进 X:\游戏安装目录\Codemasters\OF Dragon Rising\data_win\missions
Win64 Bit 系统对应目录:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\operation flashpoint dragon rising\data_win\missions
Win32 Bit 系统对应目录:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\operation flashpoint dragon rising\data_win\missions
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