骑马与砍杀战团(Mount and Blade Warband)v1.134MOD:自由枪骑兵(FreeLancer)
1.31 版内容:
Fixes and updated code that created problems with menus
Fixes with scripts working with equipment allocation。
*Jriders Presentations - Includes who your commander is in player report。
Freelancer 1.2 includes the following features:
•In-Game Report on Commanders Party•The ability to go to the town the Lord has entered
•Factions remember what your last rank was with them. When you return they will remember you and your previous status. (unless you desert or rebel)
•Players kill count at the end of battles.
- 骑马与砍杀 戎马丹心-汉匈全面战争MOD独立包 2011-08-12 13:46:55
- 骑马与砍杀MOD:戎马丹心 硬盘版游戏下载 2011-08-09 09:41:40
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- 骑马与砍杀:火与剑 V1.143升级档+免DVD补丁 2011-07-18 09:53:16
- 骑马与砍杀:火与剑 V1.142十四项修改器 2011-07-08 10:52:49
- 骑马与砍杀:火与剑 1.141升级档+简繁中文完整汉化补丁 2011-07-04 09:59:02
- 骑马与砍杀:火与剑 V1.142升级档+免DVD补丁 2011-07-04 09:50:43
- 《骑马与砍杀:战团》秘籍:TXT修改 2011-06-24 17:56:39
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