
Red5入华 急招招聘中国区公关经理

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年02月10日 18:44  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论

  JOB TITLE:  Red5 China PR Manager, China

  LOCATION:  Shanghai, China


  Main Responsibilities:

  • Identify opportunities for press coverage in core, general consumer, and business markets; monitor and meet all editorial deadlines; cultivate relationships with key members of the trade and consumer media to garner press placements

  • Work with local team and Global PR Director to manage and support troubleshooting activities relating to product issues, competition/competitive response, government sensitivity, crisis management, etc。

  • Compose accurate, newsworthy, and well-written news releases and other media materials on deadline

  • Work with Red5 China Director to establish budget for PR activities – once budget is approved, this person will manage all profitability, budgets, and expenses for the PR initiatives throughout mainland China

  • Create promotional materials as necessary

  • Work with Red5 China Director to manage company presence and press materials to be utilized at industry events and product launches

  • Recommend issuance of all PR releases

  • Monitor and work closely with licensees/partners on media alert and press release approval

  • Work with PR firms and media monitoring firms

  • Event management

  • Travel required


  • Excellent oral and written communications skills in English and Mandarin

  • 2-4 years public relations experience managing implementation of PR strategy, pitching products to various media outlets, writing press releases, and organizing road shows, trade shows, and interviews with key personnel

  • Excellent mass media and game industry contacts

  • Impeccable organizational skills

  • Requires a Bachelors degree in public relations, journalism or equivalent experience

  • Must have game industry experience OR be an avid gamer


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