

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年11月10日 19:04  新浪游戏  已有_COUNT_条评论



  SuperPoke! (www.superpoke.com) 和 SuperPoke! Pets (www.superpokepets.com)


  (1) 深刻理解 Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop 和 2D Flash animation

  (2) 有能力执行 SuperPoke! 的图形/样式/风格

  (3) 对于设计网络社区应用程序有热情和兴趣

  (4) 收悉 HTML / CSS

  (5) 工作经验: 1-2年的经验

  (6) 素质要求: 准确/清晰语言表达能力; 良好的沟通能力

  (7) 语言要求: 英文(读写能力良好)

  Want to be a part of the next big internet success story? Want to be a tech pioneer alongside artists, athletes, musicians, and talent from around the globe? Then you want to be at Slide。

  About Slide: We are the #1 developer of applications on social networks。

  Our applications, like Slideshow, FunSpace, SuperPoke!, SuperPoke!Pets and Top Friends, are as technically deep and sophisticated as they are popular. Our 155+ million users make one of the top 10 web properties in the world; that’s serious scale. Slide’s business is rapidly expanding, and we’re friends with the all most successful Web companies。


  We’re looking for someone who can help create content for applications like-

  SuperPoke! (www.superpoke.com) & SuperPoke! Pets (www.superpokepets.com)


  1. Expert in Adobe Illustrator and 2D Flash animation

  2. Skilled in Adobe Photoshop

  3. Ability to execute in the SuperPoke! graphic style

  4. Enthusiasm and interest in working on web applications for social networking

  5. HTML/CSS is a plus

  Python Web 开发工程师 Python Web Developer工作性质:全职





  薪  水:


  学  历:本科以上



  Slide 正在寻找顶尖 Python 工程师!如果你拥有一流的技术水平,快速的学习能力以及热爱 web 开发 – 那么你一定要加入 Slide!

  我们是全世界 #1 的互联网社区软件开发商。

  我们的应用程序, 如 Slideshow, FunSpace, SuperPoke! 和 Top Friends在技术方面都是具有深度和挑战性的产品. 同时, 它们也在 Facebook, MySpace, 等平台上得到大量用户的喜爱和欢迎. 通过Slide 现有 1.5 亿用户支持, 我们的产品已远远超越市场上其他程序的技术和规模. Slide 也因此排名为全世界 10大的网络公司及品牌之一


  (1) 协助团队建立 Slide China 新世代线上产品

  (2) 研发/创造下一代的网络社区

  (3) 快节奏的环境中建设和扩大丰富的互联网应用程序

  (4) 与聪明的工程师团队一同解决有趣而复杂的网络技术挑战

  (5) 参与娱乐媒体项目供全球数亿人使用


  (1) 拥有良好的编程基础,精通 Python 语言

  (2) 熟悉 Javascript 及 web 的前台开发,有 jQuery 使用经验者优先

  (3) 有使用 Python 编写大规模网站经验者优先

  (4) 熟悉 HTML 及 CSS 编写者优先

  (5) 熟练使用 linux shell 环境及其上的文本编缉器 (vim/emacs)

  (6) 有使用 git 或是其他分布式版本控制系统工具经验者优先

  (7) 参与过开源项目编写者优先

  (8) 语言要求: 英文(读写能力良好)

  About Us: Slide is the world’s leading social entertainment company。

  We offer people the ability to communicate, engage and have fun with one another within the context of relationships they built on social networks such as Facebook and MySpace. The social networks benefit from increased user activity, advertisers benefit from a highly engaged audience, and our users can share popular videos, send virtual gifts or even throw sheep at each other。

  At Slide, we take fun very seriously. That’s why more than 150 million people each month interact with our products, including SuperPoke!, SuperPoke! Pets, Top Friends, FunSpace and Slideshow。

  Slide was founded in 2005 by PayPal co-founder Max Levchin and is backed by Mayfield Fund, Blue Run Ventures, Khosla Ventures and Founders Fund。

  Job Description: You will work with a small, talented team in a fast-paced environment at our office in Shanghai, building and scaling out highly entertaining, media rich Internet applications used by hundreds of millions of people. You will collaborate with really smart and fun engineers. You will solve hard problems and bend Web technologies to accomplish new, interesting and complex engineering challenges。

  About You:

  -Get excited about working with smart people and solving really challenging problems

  -Enjoy working in a small team, fast-paced start-up environment where engineering is king

  -Want to work on both the front-end and back-end of high transaction Web applications

  -Are very strong in designing and implementing complex object-oriented abstractions, data structures, run-time complexity, etc., but feel you can still learn from others

  -Have worked with different languages but have a strong preference for Python

  -You think decorators and generators are cool -You are familiar with Django, Pylons or TurboGears frameworks and understand their trade-offs

  -Can write efficient JavaScript, are knowledgeable with jQuery, and are familiar with AJAX-Think Actionscript/Flex/Flash are interesting and wouldn’t mind learning them

  -Enjoy staying up-to-date with technologies so you can suggest new coding practices, recommend architecture changes and collaborate with our platform team to optimize scalability and network efficiency

  -Love seeing your work used by hundreds of millions of people

  产品经理 (网络社交游戏) Product Manager工作性质:全职





  薪  水:


  学  历:本科以上

  语言能力:英语 良好


  希望有一个令人兴奋的工作吗? 想要设计丰富/有趣的产品给上百万的用户使用吗?展望创造一流的网络社区吗? 那么你一定要加入 Slide! 随着Slide近期被Google收购,Slide团队正需要更多的人才的加盟来加速产品的研发!

  我们的应用程序, 如 Slideshow, FunSpace, SuperPoke! 和 TopFriends,在技术和设计方面都是具有深度和挑战性的产品. 同时, 它们也在 Facebook, MySpace,等平台上得到大量用户的喜爱和欢迎. 通过 Slide 现有的 1.5 亿用户支持, 我们的产品已远远超越市场上其他程序的应用和浏览量规模.Slide 也因此排名为全世界 10大网络公司及品牌之一。现如今,我们旨在努力使Slide称为谷歌最具开发潜力的产品之一!推荐的职位描述


  (1) 管理产品开发,包括产品规模和信息

  (2) 管理整个产品生命周期包括概念, 开发和上线

  (3) 定期分析产品所有关键指标及数据

  (4) 项目跟踪从编程速度/技术安排, 成品质量保证并制定产品上市计划

  (5) 和工程团队紧密合作并协助工程师研发最佳技术实施方以及合理的执行计划

  (6) 拥有喜好竞争的特性

  (7) 负责自己产品的一切指标和数据


  (1) 热爱分析和设计产品规格及了解产品应用模式

  (2) 杰出的创意底子加上一流的书面和口头交流技能

  (3) 完善的组织和分析技能并注重细节

  (4) 无与伦比的工作热情和渴望胜利的团队精神

  (5) 有 start-up 工作经验优先

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