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http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-02-17 10:57 驱动之家

  Gamesindustry.biz报道,Valve制作的Half-Life 2获得年度游戏开发者选择奖(GDC)6项提名。今年的GDC大奖已经是第5届了,每年这个奖项的评选都成为举世瞩目的游戏开发者盛会,3月9日在旧金山举行的颁奖典礼上将宣布最终获奖结果。


  名的游戏:Rockstar的《横行霸道:圣安德略斯》(Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas), Namco的 块魂(Katamari Damacy)和Blizzard的《魔兽世界》(World of Warcraft), 它们都被提名为最佳游戏和其他三项大奖。

  被提名最佳游戏的还有Criterion Games的《燃烧战车3:撞击与燃烧》(Burnout 3: Takedown),它同时还被提名为最佳技术。其他获得一项以上提名的游戏有id Software的Doom 3,任天堂的《马里奥物语2》(Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door)和Ubisoft的《波斯王子2:武者之心》(Prince of Persia: Warrior Within)。

  有趣的一个奖项是最佳新制作小组,获得此项提名的有制作《英雄之城》( City of Heroes)的Cryptic Studios、制作《孤岛惊魂》(Far Cry)的Crytek和制作《冰城传奇》(The Bard's Tale)的inXile等5个小组。




  a.. 燃烧战车3:撞击与燃烧 Burnout 3: Takedown (Criterion Games / Electronic Arts)

  - Paul Glancey, Chris Roberts, Paul Ross, Fiona Sperry, Alex Ward

  b.. 横行霸道:圣安德略斯 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)

  - Leslie Benzies, Adam Fowler, Aaron Garbut, Sam Houser, Alexander Roger, Obbe Vermeij

  c.. 半条命2 Half-Life 2 (Valve Software / Vivendi Universal Games)

  - Ken Birdwell, Gabe Newell, Jay Stelly

  d.. 块魂 Katamari Damacy (Namco)

  - Keita Takahashi

  e.. 魔兽世界 World of Warcraft (Blizzard Entertainment)

  - Mark Kern, Mike Morhaime, Rob Pardo


  a.. Cryptic Studios (英雄之城 City of Heroes)

  - Michael Lewis

  b.. Crytek (孤岛惊魂 Far Cry)

  - Avni Yerli, Cevat Yerli, Faruk Yerli

  c.. inXile entertainment (冰城传奇 The Bard's Tale)

  - Brian Fargo, Matthew Findley

  d.. Obsidian Entertainment (星球大战之旧共和国武士II Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords)

  - Chris Avellone, Chris Jones, Darren Monahan, Chris Parker, Feargus Urquhart

  e.. the Behemoth (Alien Hominid)

  - Tom Fulp, Brandon LaCava, Dan Paladin


  a.. 使命召唤:尖峰时刻 Call of Duty: Finest Hour (Spark Unlimited / Activision)

  - Jack Grillo, Caleb Sweazy

  b.. Doom 3 (id Software / Activision)

  - Christian Antkow, John Carmack, Tim Willits

  c.. 横行霸道:圣安德

  略斯 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)

  - Craig Conner, Allan Walker

  d.. 光晕2 Halo 2 (Bungie Software / Microsoft Game Studios)

  - C Paul Johnson, Marty O'Donnell, Jay Weinland

  e.. 块魂 Katamari Damacy (Namco)

  - Yu Miyake


  a.. 半条命2 Half-Life 2 (Valve Software / Vivendi Universal Games)

  - Ted Backman, Dhabih Eng, Bill Fletcher, Bill Van Buren

  b.. 块魂 Katamari Damacy (Namco)

  - Keita Takahashi

  c.. 波斯王子2:武者之心 Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft Entertainment)

  - Nicolas Bouvier, Mickael Labat

  d.. 狡狐大冒险2:贼团 Sly 2: Band Of Thieves (Sucker Punch Productions / Sony Computer Entertainment America)

  - Travis Kotzebue, Dev Madan

  e.. 魔兽世界 World of Warcraft (Blizzard Entertainment)

  - Brandon Idol, Chris Metzen


  a.. 横行霸道:圣安德略斯 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)

  - Leslie Benzies, Adam Fowler, Aaron Garbut, Sam Houser, Alexander Roger, Obbe Vermeij

  b.. 半条命2 Half-Life 2 (Valve Software / Vivendi Universal Games)

  - Gabe Newell, Jay Stelly

  c.. 块魂 Katamari Damacy (Namco)

  - Keita Takahashi

  d.. 皮克敏2 Pikmin 2 (Nintendo)

  - Masamichi Abe, Hino Shigefumi

  e.. 魔兽世界 World of Warcraft (Blizzard Entertainment)

  - Chris Metzen, Rob Pardo


  a.. 燃烧战车3:撞击与燃烧 Burnout 3: Takedown (Criterion Games / Electronic Arts)

  - Alex Fry, Ciaran Rooney, Paul Ross, Hamish Young

  b.. Doom 3 (id Software / Activision)

  - John Carmack, Robert Duffy, Jan Paul van Waveren

  c.. EyeToy: AntiGrav (Harmonix Music Systems / Sony Computer Entertainment America)

  - Eran Egozy, Eric Malafeew

  d.. 孤岛惊魂 Far Cry (Crytek / Ubisoft Entertainment)

  - Timur Davidenko, Vladimir Kajalin, Andrey Khonich, Anton Knyazyev, Cevat Yerli

  e.. 半条命2 Half-Life 2 (Valve Software / Vivendi Universal Games)

  - Yahn Bernier, Brian Jacobson


  a.. Doom 3 (id Software / Activision)

  - Andy Chang, Seneca Menard, Kenneth Scott

  b.. 半条命2 Half-Life 2 (Valve Software / Vivendi Universal Games)

  - Viktor Antonov, Randy Lundeen

  c.. 马里奥物语2 Paper Mario: T

  he Thousand-Year Door (Intelligent Systems / Nintendo)

  - Hiroyuki Hayashi, Chie Kawabe

  d.. 波斯王子2:武者之心 Prince Of Persia: Warrior Within (Ubisoft Montreal / Ubisoft Entertainment)

  - Mickael Labat, Patrick Limoges

  e.. 魔兽世界 World of Warcraft (Blizzard Entertainment)

  - Sam Didier, William Petras, Justin Thavirat


  a.. 横行霸道:圣安德略斯 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rockstar North / Rockstar Games)

  - Dan Houser, James Worrall

  b.. 半条命2 Half-Life 2 (Valve Software / Vivendi Universal Games)

  - Marc Laidlaw

  c.. 情圣拉瑞:优等生 Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (High Voltage Software / Vivendi Universal Games)

  - Matt Entin, Ed Kuehnel, Eric Nofsinger

  d.. 马里奥物语2 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Intelligent Systems / Nintendo)

  - Nate Bihldorff, Ryota Kawade

  e.. 星球大战之旧共和国武士II Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Obsidian Entertainment / LucasArts Entertainment)

  - Chris AvelloneHL2获年度游戏开发者选择奖6项提名


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