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      题外话:笨笨发现游戏里好象又涉及了中国的@#$%,同DF1一样它失去在国内发行的机会,真是可惜呀~真是不明白NOVALOGIC为什么要和俺们China Player过不去?不会是因为俺们在NW老是“霸占”了NO.1的一种报复吧。


      Approach The Objective - Via land sea or air - use tall grass water and rolling terrain to move undetected(靠近目标-从陆地、海面或者空中接近-使用茂密的草丛、水、或者凹凸的地面隐蔽自己)

      Battle your way through 2 campaigns - Over 40 challenging single player missions(你要努力通过2个战役-超过40个的单人任务)

      Large-Scale Internet Multiplayer - Wage war on the massive battlefields of NovaWorld with up to 50 players simultaneously(大规模的互联网战斗-新的战斗场景将允许多余50名的玩家同场撕杀)

      Persistent Online Characters - Rank yourself against your enemies and allies on NovaWorld(固定玩家在线ID-在NW上让你的敌人和队友评价你)

      In DF: Missile Defence you will basically have access to your own personal armoury. Some of the new weapons include the M-60E3 and the Milan Anti Tank Missile. Please note this is just our idea on a future DF title - it is not real(在游戏里:你能访问你的武器库.提供一些新武器包括M-60E3 和米兰反坦克导弹.请注意这只在一个测试版本的DF标题上是我们的想法 - 它不是真实的)


      P-226 (手枪类) 参考图片
      M-60E3 (机枪类) 参考图片
      MILAN-Anti Tank Missile (导弹类) 参考图片 FIM-9-Stinger Missile (导弹类) 参考图片
      M-25-Mortar (导弹类) 参考图片 CH-47D/MH-47E CHINOOK (运输类) 参考图片
      FAV-Fast Attack Vehicle (运输类) 参考图片 MkV-HS waterborne transporter (运输类) 参考图片
      RQ-1A PL endurance (运输类) 参考图片 M109 Howitzer (导弹类) 参考图片
      M2/M3 Bradley (运输类) 参考图片


    Campaign 1You must help defend the early warning satellite relay station located at Pine Gap, Australia. If this station goes down, it leaves US's NMDS open for attack.Elite Indonesian terrorist groups are being highly armed by the Chinese Government and will do anything to bring down that station.

      战役 1


      Campaign 2

      China has also established a NMDS. We know they have the missile technology, so it's just of when will they strike? You must destroy Chinese relay & communication stations, transport depots, missile and weapon stores in the hope of avoiding a world wide catastrophe and the entire disappearance the North American continent.

      战役 2

      中国也建立了国家导弹防御系统。我们知道他们拥有导弹技术, 因此它只是他们将有什么时候进攻吗?你必须破坏中国的继电器和通讯站,运输仓库,导弹和武器存储库.美国希望避免一场全世界的大祸和灭顶之灾。



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