
专为PSP GO开发 《生化危机》大变样

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年06月09日 10:28  新浪游戏



  Chris Kramer在个人BLOG上说到:生化P不是一款重制游戏,而是专为PSP GO开发的大作,游戏早些时候就已经在开发,Kamer说,我只能说,哇哦,这完全不同于任何一款系列游戏。


  Capcom’s super secret E3 game was Resident Evil Portable, which was shown for a split second during Sony’s press conference. Other than hearing it exists we don’t know much about it。

  Chris Kramer posted a little more about Resident Evil Portable in a blog where he explains this is not a remake and it’s being made with “the PSP Go in mind。” The title is still early in development and Kramer teases, “all I am allowed to say is: Wow. Totally different for a Resident Evil game。”

  This is total speculation on my part, but I imagine Monster Hunter Portable must have affected the design of Resident Evil Portable in someway. The game was a mega hit for Capcom in Japan and spawned tons of other ad-hoc social games like Sengoku Basara Heroes. Perhaps, Resident Evil Portable is going to be less like Resident Evil and a networked game like Resident Evil Outbreak。


  另外介绍一下Chris Kramer这个人,他原来是索尼在线娱乐(SONY Online Entertainment)的公共关系总监,前几年正式宣布离开位于圣迭哥的办公室,加入日本游戏著名游戏开发商Capcom。之前,Chris Kramer在索尼领导公共关系部门已经有三年半之久。


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