

http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年05月26日 11:36  新浪游戏

  日前有传闻显示CAPCOM公司即将在E3 2009中公布的几款游戏新作中有一款将是人气动作游戏《鬼泣》系列的新作《鬼泣5》,CAPCOM官方对此进行否定。

  CAPCOM公司通过Twitte网站明确表示“CAPCOM的第二款神秘新作不是《鬼泣5》 (Hot rumor bust of the day: Capcom E3 Mystery Title #2 is not -- repeat, NOT -- Devil May Cry 5. Now, what do you think it is?)”。


  * Dark Void (PS3, 360, PC)

  * Lost Planet 2 (currently 360, PC)

  * Dead Rising 2 (will be "behind closed doors")

  * Spyborgs (Wii)

  * Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles (Wii)

  * Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP)

  * Marvel vs Capcom 2 (digital release for PS3, 360)

  * Fate Unlimited Codes (digital PSP release)

  * Street Fighter IV (PC)

  * Bionic Commando (PC)

  * Mega Man Star Force 3 (DS)

  * Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil (Wii)

  * Capcom Mystery Game #1 (playable in booth!)

  * Capcom Mystery Game #2 (announced at a press conference!)

  * plus games from Capcom's mobile group, Capcom Interactive!


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