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索尼将会有自己的“Xbox Live”
http://games.sina.com.cn 2006-02-09 15:23 新浪游戏

  新浪游戏讯 日前国外媒体对为索尼电视游戏部门服务的某位测试人员进行了采访,而他也透露了消息:“索尼目前正研究将Xbox-Live的部分属性添加到自己对PS3的网络服务中。” 

  在一张发给游戏测试者的调查表里面,索尼询问了关于收入Xbox Live部分属性进入己方网络服务的可能性。比如说加入朋友名单,回馈系统之类......

  根据这些,索尼提供的网络服务有很大可能性非常近似或者就是目前的Xbox Live。下面就是索尼调查表的内容:

  1. On a typical day, how often do you play games online?

  2. Do you own a PSP?

  3. What is your preferred Online gaming format?

  4. What Online Gaming Formats do you own?

  5. Do you think you will purchase a PS3?

  6. A single identity and password for all online games?

  7. Global Lobbies allowing you to play against anyone in the world?

  8. Game Lobbies should be language based. (English, French, German etc)

  9. Game Lobbies should be based geographically.

  10. A standard, interactive lobby structure for all games.

  11. Headset support in all online games?

  12. A QWERTY keyboard as standard for messaging.

  13. USB Keyboard support for every online title.

  14. Friend List allowing you to see online/offline status?

  15. Friend List allowing you to see what game your friends are playing?

  16. Private Messaging across games?

  17. A feedback rating allowing you to choose who you play against?

  18. Ability to remove players out via a majority vote?

  19. Game Host has the ability to remove players?

  20. Automatically filter opponents based on connection quality?

  21. The ability to download music, game demos and other content?

  22. Ability to access the dedicated game forum whilst in game?

  23. Ability to take screenshots during the game and share them with friends?

  24. Ability to take movie clips in game and share them with friends?

  25. Ability to play my music during a game?

  26. An in game grief reporting system?

  27. Ability to access and manage your gaming profile via PC, PSP as well as PS3?

  28. Community features without the need for a game disc.

  29. Ability to choose an Avatar for all online titles.

  30. The inclusion of a web browser.

  31. A specific lobby only for Adults.

  32. Service should feature a Global Ranking system for each game.

  33. Game Lobbies should be Eyetoy compatible.

Xbox LIVE功能极多



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