SCE《荒野兵器4》优缺点完全评价 |
---| 2006-01-12 10:03 gamespot |
7.8 good Gameplay 8 Graphics 8 Sound 7 Value 7 Tilt 8 Wild Arms 4 is largely a standard by-the-book role-playing game, but the unique battle system and other touches still make it a worthy journey. Wild Arms 4 很大程度上可以说是一个标准的循规蹈矩的RPG游戏,但独特的战斗系统和其他亮点仍然让这个游戏值得一玩。 The Good: Hex-based battle system is a nice change from traditional turn-based pace; a large number of passive and active skills keep battles engaging; devastated gameworld is varied and interesting. 优点:名为“Hex-based”的战斗系统(不明,是否就是那个7个六边形的系统?)是对传统回合制方式的有益的挑战;数量众多的主动和被动技能保证了战斗过程的吸引力;荒芜的游戏世界丰富多彩、充满趣味。 The Bad: Action elements are sometimes poorly implemented with lots of backtracking; characters can level unevenly. 缺点:(游戏的)动作规则有时候在许多回溯进程上会执行的不彻底(硬翻译,需要懂行的、玩过的朋友指正);角色的等级不平衡。 荒野兵器游戏画面 编辑:OTACON |