“革命”手柄正确使用方法完全讲解 |
http://games.sina.com.cn 2005-09-22 10:24 巴哈姆特 |
以下是东京游戏展归来人士透露的“革命”手柄使用方法详解,节录出关于进行“银河战士2”游戏的部份: The Revolution controller, much like the DS touch screen, takes away a barrier between people and machines. People loved to post that Minority Report screen as a joke, but that's pretty damn close to at least the thought pattern behind the controller -- you just reach out with your hand and start manipulating things on-screen. REV的控制器非常像是DS的触摸屏幕, 将使用者与机器之间的鸿沟移除掉.人们喜欢将关键报告中的那种用手去触摸的虚拟屏幕当作笑话,但是那真的很像是这个控制器所去参考的概念.就是动动你的手去处理屏幕中的东西. I can't really compare the controller to existing tech. I can say that the learning curve was practically nonexistent. It's light. It's comfortable. It's goddamned precise. 我真的很难将这控制器拿来跟现有的科技做比较.我只能说学习曲线几乎是不存在的.它很轻, 很舒服. 而且该死的精准。 Nintendo actually specifically said that the sensors were not in any way finalized. There were two small sensors -- about the size of a gum eraser -- that were attached to a small metal bar maybe the size of a ruler. They were placed under the TV but they said there are many places you could put them. On top, on the sides, on the wall even. 任天堂说这感应器还不是最后成品.两个有如橡皮擦一样大小的感应器装置在一个有如尺的条状物上.这被放置在电视下面. 他们说你也可以放在电视机周边的任何位置上。 You can play with the controller in your lap, but you do have to move it about with your wrist to point at different parts of the TV screen. 你可以将控制器放在膝部游玩.但你还是必须要用到你的手腕来将控制器指向屏幕不同的地方。 Shine a laser pointer on your TV screen, then move it around. That's exactly what it's like. 使用雷射笔指向你的电视屏幕并移动看看.这就是使用REV控制器的感觉。 As far as Metroid Prime 2, the honest answer is that it was so intuitive that I wasn't even thinking about HOW the controller was doing it. All I know is that I was easily able to spin in circles. IIRC: if you move it further and further towards the left or right of the screen, Samus will start to spin around, and if you bring it back to the center she stops. 就银河战士2来看, 我必须老实说那控制器实在太直觉到我甚至没去想它是,如何运作的. 我所知道的是我可以非常容易地绕着敌人转圈.假如你移出屏幕左边或右边, Samus会开始将视野转向,移回屏幕区域她会停下来。 No, Samus wasn't always shooting the center of the screen. She shoots where you put the cursor. And at the same time, if you're moving the cursor to the edges of the screen, she'll turn to face them -- but at a normal pace, not zipping around wildly at the speed of your hand. That would be unplayable. Samus并不是永远只能射击屏幕中心.你准心指到哪里她就会射到哪.而在同时, 如果你将准心移出屏幕外, 她就会跟着你指向的方向转向。 不过并不是无止尽的照你手的速度去转向, 而是在一个正常的速度范围。不然就不太能玩了。 I don't know what sort of impressions other than "Metroid Prime 2 was comfortable and intuitive" I really need to give at this point. The analog attachment was really light. The wire was long enough. Moving, aiming, shooting, and turning took no -- zero -- conscious thought. The only problem I had was remembering which shoulder button scanned and which jumped. 我不太清楚这个银河战士2玩起来除了“舒服和直觉”外, 我还能用什么形容词。 左手的模拟握把非常轻. 左右手之间的线也够长,不管是移动, 瞄准, 射击还是转向都几乎是无意识的在进行。这里唯一的问题是我忘了扫瞄和跳各是Z1和Z2哪一个键。
新时代的主机 新时代的革命 编辑:OTACON |