Xbox360规格公布 正式发布前总览(4) |
---| 2005-05-10 11:55 电玩俱乐部 |
加盟厂商一览,第三方 2K games Activision Atari Bandai Bethesta Softworks Buena Vista Games Capcom Codemasters Eidos EA From Soft InterServ International 光荣 Konami LucasArts Majesco Midway Namco Phantagram Rockstar SCI games 世嘉 Tecmo THQ TWP 育碧 Vivendi Universal Games Microsoft Game Studio(MGS〕 BioWare Bizarre Creations Bungie Studios Epic Games FASA games 游戏共和国 Lionhead Studios Mistwalker Rare Q entertainment 已知开发中游戏 Halo 2.5/3 光环2.5/3 BUNGIE Fable 2 寓言2 Call of Duty 2 使命召唤2 The Darkness Burnout Revenge 燃烧战车 复仇 Dark Sector 雷神之锤IV Demonik Condemned:Criminal Origins Battlefield 2: modern combat 战地2 citizen zero the elder scrolls iV: oblivision 上古卷轴4 the godfather 教父 kameo:elements of power Madden NFL NBA 2K Need for speed:Most wanted Perfect dark zero 完美黑暗 零 PGR3 SSX4 Tomb Raider:Legend 古墓丽影 传奇 Tony Hawk's Underground 3 东尼·霍克地下滑板3 Ultimate spider man 极限蜘蛛侠 Unnamed Bioware RPG Unreal Gears of War Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Medal of Honor 荣誉勋章 Ghost Recon 3 Splinter Cell 4 分裂细胞4 [上一页] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [下一页] 编辑:OTACON |