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  2016-05-05 10:49:16

  -Right now we are thinking about reset the WT E-100 perks because Grille 15 has a different type of gameplay.


  – World of Warships Blitz and World of Warplanes Blitz – No comments.


  -In the next patch fail platoon will be receiving -50% XP from the battles.


  -We have ideas to release special perks bonuses by Nation.


  -There wont be amphibious tanks.


  -Arty rebalance is planned to come together with the Role Balance (aka Balance 2.0)


  – We have many ideas planned for arty, for example smokescreen.


  -And smokescreen for LT? “Arty is our priority”


  -Armor will be the main theme of the upcoming Role Balance.


  -Team Battles will eventually have tier 10 vehicles.


  -He have a PVE prototype built so far. Our main plan/idea is to make a PVE historical company (bring back Historical Battles and merge them with PVE). And please let’s be realistic, do not expect it this year.


  -Tank customization (player ability to add logs, bags, shovels, etc) is not planned for now (definitely not this year). (RG: They promised this years ago but they had to focus their resources into HD models first. It will be only for smaller customization and never for actual tank parts (hull as example) because of similar vehicles like the E50 and E50M)



  -Will there be hull “modules changes” in the future? We don’t have many replacements for all the vehicles. It’s not planned for this year but we will be addressing it in the future.


  -What happened with “WOT: Generals”? -This was first try to give players possibility to play in Browser. We stopped the updates but we wont shut it down because we have some people who play. We will keep it live as long there are people who want it live.


  -Will there be multiple turrets? We have some prototype built but is not ready and we are not in a hurry to release it. T-35 will be first tank with Multiple turrets. (RG: Players will be able to control all turrets like in WoWS, they will all rotate where the player is aiming and hopefully they will make sure we don’t shoot ourselves)


  –Will WG release something like Warthunder (tanks, planes and ships all together)? No, there are not plans.


  -Will Premium Shells be balanced? Yes its planned to come with the Role Balance this summer.





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