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坦克世界10月30日QA 巅峰战中的毒气机制
新浪游戏  2015-10-30 18:06

Hello Warriors,


  MrConway, a EU CC Manager wrote today on the forum:


  "First of all we want to thank all of you that took the time to not only test the 10.0 update, but also shared your feedback with us. It is important for us that you guys understand that we do care and listen to this feedback and pass it on to the developers.


  As you might have noticed, two of the new features in particular received a large amount of negative feedback. We took this to the devs, made the case for you and are happy to report that decisions were made based on this feedback.


  In particular this concerned:

  Crew bonuses in the new tank customization feature

  Gas cloud mechanics in Rampage mode


  - 新的个性化物品为乘员提供加成的功能

  - 巅峰战中的毒气机制

  These features will not be included in patch 10.0 as a result. They will be reviewed and reworked and hopefully come back in the future with the issues addressed.


  We will be keeping the new and improved customization UI, as well as the new Steel Hunt game mode with the new maps.


  Please make sure to keep sending us feedback when issues like this come up!"



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