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坦克世界10月23日 QA 今年出捷克车
新浪游戏  2015-10-26 11:24

  "Free" FV4202 Incoming! Or not。


  Hello warriors,


  as announced on the RU server and as you very well know, the FV4202 will be in 10.0 switched for Centurion Action X and will become a tier 8 premium. The Action X owners will get the premium for free.。.


  Hahaha. Kidding。


  You're not getting anything for free. Instead, on 19.1.2016, WG will announce "series of missions" that will be available to Centurion Action X owners. After completing these missions (rumor has it they will be comparable in difficulty to the personal missions), players will receive the tier 8 premium. But perhaps there will be tokens.。.


  The article ends with the statement that no more info will be published until 2016.


  - Storm states that Chieftain's fate needs "more considerations"


  - Storm "loves WoT and wants it to become better"


  - there is nothing new in 10.0 compared to the previous technical test according to Storm, just a bunch of bug fixes from the technical test phase


  - Storm is not allowed to say why the "free" FV4202 will come only in January (as in, not allowed to, it's a marketing matter)


  - Storm does personally actually not know what the FV4202 conditions will be, he did not participate in the decision making, but another developer confirmed it's possible they will either depend on skill, or will be in the form of a marathon


  - in 10.0, FV4202 (even the premium one) will be temporarily removed from the game


  - in the 10.0 test, new clan window sorting by player rating does not work yet, it will be fixed


  - Czech tanks will come this year if nothing bad happens


  - there are currently no plans to increase credit and XP income on higher tiers



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