here is the tier 10 CZ T 50/51:
捷克斯洛伐克10级MT T 50/51:
In early 1950, the two alternative TVP programs - the Škoda T 50 and Praga T 51 - were unified into one design called T 50/51. The T 50/51 is the last known development stage of the TVP program and represents the watermark of independent Czechoslovak tank design. The vehicle had many modern and advanced features such as a 1000hp diesel engine, sloped armor, round cast turret - one of the elements considered was also an automatic loading mechanism. Several parts were built and tested and the vehicle was considered for mass-production starting in late 1952, but delays in development as well as political pressures led instead to the license production of the T-34/85. The project was cancelled in March 1950.
上世纪50年代初,捷克斯洛伐克的主战坦克研发计划TVP的两个可选方案(分别是斯柯达的T 50 和普拉加的T 51)被糅合在一起定名为T 50/51。T 50/51是TVP计划的最终方案,是捷克斯洛伐克独立研发坦克的巅峰之作,然后就没有然后了。这个方案有很多现代化的先进特性,比方说1000马力柴油 引擎、倾斜装甲、圆形铸造炮塔等,他们甚至考虑过自动装填系统。坦克的很多部件被制造出来并经过测试,本来还打算于1952年底开始大批量生产,然而迫于 要和毛子谈判拿T-34/85生产许可的**压力,计划被推迟了。最终这个计划于1950年3月被取消。
等级: 10 MT
血量: 1950
引擎: 1000 hp
Weight: 40 tons
推重比: 25 hp/t
极速: 60/20 km/h
车身转速: 54 deg/s
炮塔转速: 37.5 deg/s
地面阻力系数: 0.767/1.055/1.726
视野: 410
车身装甲: 65/40/?
炮塔装甲: 120/80/?
主炮: 100mm AK1
均伤: 320/320/420
穿深: 248/310/50
射速: 8,155
DPM: 2609.4
弹夹: 4 发
短装填: 1.5 s
长装填: 24.932s
精度: 0.336
瞄准时间: 1.92s
俯仰角: -8/+20