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《坦克世界》9月17日日常QA 一点点内容
新浪游戏  2015-09-18 16:10

  - In the new motion physics, tanks can't climb steep slopes in order not to get to places they aren't supposed to. This system however makes it more difficult to drive even on smaller slopes. Players are suggesting that in order to fix that, WG should simply give the inaccessible spots extremely high terrain resistance coefficient but according to Storm the result would be the same;

  在新的移动物理系统中,坦克是不能爬陡坡的。这是为了不让玩家进入那些不想让他们进入的地方。但是,这导致在 在小一些的陡坡上行驶时也变得更加困难了。玩家建议WG只要给那些不能进入的地方设置极高的地面阻力系数,就能修复这个问题了。但据Storm说,结果应 该是一样的。

  - Q: "Why don't you implement the smooth motion offered by diesel-electric vehicles?" A: "How terrible!"



  - The mechanism of vehicles tipped on the side in new motion physics will change;


  - Storm reacting on player claims that in new motion physics (MP), the motion got more sluggish: "Strange, in our comparative tests it shows as improved";


  - WG will not add more inertia to tanks, as in last test it had quite negative feedback;


  - Storm confirms: current servers are able to handle new motion physics;


  - A player was complaining that HD Tiger II has worse suspension detail than Tiger I - Storm replies that Tiger I suspension is overdetailed. It won't be reworked to look worse but suspensions in such details won't be implemented either anymore;


  - Domination mode will appear in WoT soon with separate statistics and economy;


  - Mini-client of WoT is now available on RU server - it contains only lowtier vehicles and only the option to play random battles but its size is minimal。



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