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超测服 KV-4 KTTS作为8级车测试版数据
新浪游戏  2015-08-25 11:45

  Changes to KV-4 KTTS and AMX M4 Mle 49

  Hello warriors,


  a couple of changes happened to the two newly introduced supertest vehicles. First the French premium heavy (standard nominal values):

  新超测的坦克又开始各种魔改啦~首先呢,大家应该也已经知道了,真·法国虎王 AMX M4 Mle. 49的机动小砍了一刀

  - hull traverse nerfed from 35 to 28 deg/s


  - terrain resistance nerfed from 1,3/1,5/2,2 to 1,5/1,7/2,4

  地形阻力从1,3/1,5/2,2 砍到 1,5/1,7/2,4

  Boring. Now for more fun things. KV-4 KTTS armor was seriously improved. Keep in mind this is tier 7 premium.

  呵呵。下面来看KV-4 KTTS,其装甲被大幅提升了(当然以掉速度为代价)。注意:以下版本为KV-4 KTTS作为8级车版本的的数据,至于最终这车会是几级 测了再说。

  Other changes (stats for 100 percent crew):


  - gun aimtime buffed from 3,07 to 2,88


  - weight increased from 88 to 100 tons


  - power-to-weight ratio decreased from 13,64 to 12 hp/t


  - hull traverse nerfed from 32 to 30 deg/s

  车体转速从32降至30 °/s

  - terrain resistance nerfed from 1,151/1,342/2,685 to 1,342/1,438/2,685

  地形阻力从1,151/1,342/2,685 小砍为 1,342/1,438/2,685

  - gun traverse rate (the speed with which the gun moves on this TD) decreased significantly


  - stabilization significantly improved (not that important for TD but this includes aim circle size increase from switching targets by moving the gun)

  主炮稳定性显著提升(扩圈变小 buff)

  - MM weight decreased from 40 to 27 (probably a placeholder)


  New statistics:

  所以 作为8级的数据:

  等级: 8 TD

  HP: 1200

  功率: 1200 hp

  重量: 100 tons

  单位功率: 12 hp/t

  极速: 35/10 km/h

  车体转速: 30 deg/s

  射界: 60 degrees

  地形阻力: 1,342/1,438/2,685

  视野: 350

  通讯: 375,4

  车体装甲: 200/125/125

  战斗室装甲: 250/125/125

  主炮: 107mm M-75

  均伤: 320/320/420

  均穿: 227/289/62

  射速: 7,631

  DPM: 2441,8

  装填时间: 7,863

  精度: 0,345

  瞄准时间: 2,88s

  俯仰角: -5/+20

  Other than that the armor was significantly increased:



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