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坦克世界8月24日QA 或在随机战中匿掉双方ID
新浪游戏  2015-08-25 11:44

  - more new motion physics tests will come in autumn


  - Storm won't comment on Armored Warfare: "That game has advantages and disadvantages that can be clearly seen. No need to comment. Plus it could spawn a wave of idiotic rumors." (players nag him further to compare the games, he refuses)


  - Storm states that it's impossible to make drastic changes to the game immediately due to development intertia


  - Q: "AW solved artillery problems." A: "I am really glad."


  - there will be changes in artillery in the future, as confirmed earlier


  - there is no need for WoT issues polls (as in, what the players consider to be issues in WoT), developers know best what the issues are and player polls would bring nothing new


  - fog of war would suck in random, developers are considering only transferring vehicle ID to the client: players would only see tank types on their and enemy team but not who's playing, this would make using noobmeter and other such mods impossible


  - WG fixes only "very serious problems" using micropatches


  - Lowe buff or nerf in near future? "I cannot say anything"



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