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坦克世界超测服 德国8级金币中坦Panzer 58
新浪游戏  2015-08-18 17:39

  Panzer 58 German tier 8 MT

  Hello warriors,


  this is the upcoming tier 8 German premium premium MT, Panzer 58. It's actually not really German, it's Swiss. The development of German tanks is related to the Swiss, that is true but there is no real reason why Swiss tanks should count as German but this officially means that EU tree is dead and buried.

  新药又研发出来啦,德国8级金币MT Panzer 58。实际上这又不是正宗德国车啦,而是瑞士的。这车的发展跟瑞士有关是不假,但不知为啥瑞士坦克也算做德国车,这只意味着欧洲联合线已经彻底咔嚓了。



  A Swiss project for a medium tank from 1953 with adequate combat characteristics to that time and the possibility to operate in mountainous terrain. It was proposed to use the 20pdr Centurion gun. 2 prototypes and 10 vehicles were made but it was never mass-produced.


  等级: 8 MT

  HP: 1300

  功率: 600 hp

  重量: 35,1 tons

  单位功率: 17,09 hp/t

  极速: 50/20 km/h

  车体转速: 45 deg/s

  炮塔转速: 37,5 deg/s

  地形阻力: 0,479/0,671/1,534

  视野: 380

  通讯: 570

  车体装甲: 90/30/?

  炮塔装甲: 120/65/?

  主炮: 90mm (印度豹的90炮)

  均伤: 240/240/320

  均穿: 212/259/45

  射速: 8,126

  DPM: 1950,3

  装填时间: 7,384

  精度: 0,345

  瞄准时间: 2,4s



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