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SS谈捷克斯洛伐克线 - 坦克树的构建
新浪游戏  2015-08-12 19:01

  Right, where to begin. As you already know, in 9.12 we’ll be getting the Czechoslovak tech tree. In this text series, I’ll be going over each vehicle of the tree, I will also give you notes and explain why this tank and no other was selected and the logic behind some of the decisions I proposed and Wargaming took. This first part will be long, the rest will be considerably shorter. You've been warned。


  How it all began


  Actually, it began in January 2012 with my first proposal for a "branch" in the Czech section. It was of course complete crap (fake tanks, T-54 on tier 9 etc. - back then there were no tier 10 medium tanks!). I wasn't really serious about it but Tuccy (current World of Warships community manager - I think, maybe he's a producer now, I don't know) caught up on that and made his own proposal in March 2012. He said he passed these proposals to Minsk but later on I found the developers in Minsk never even heard of it and so this went nowhere. But it caught my attention, I started writing about the tanks, then came FTR... you know the rest。

  实际上是在2012年1月份,我第一次提出了捷克线的倡议,当然通篇都是胡扯(虚构的坦克,把T-54放在9级等等,要知道当时还 没有10级中坦)。对此我并没有真正上心,但是Tuccy(我想他现在是战舰世界社区的主管,或者是制作人,不太清楚)对此很上心,他在2012年3月拿 出了自己的提案。他说他把这些提案发给了明斯克,但后来我发现明斯克的开发人员从未听说过此事,所以他做的是无用功。但这事引起了我的注意,我开始写关于 这些坦克的文章,然后是FTR,以后的事情大家都知道了。(译注:捷克斯洛伐克乘员的头像中有Tuccy的头像,如图:)


  The next part is a bit hazy and I don't remember it in exact details but... remember how the developers asked the Japanese experts from the American community (Daigensui (Kankou back then) and SoukouDragon)? Well, basically, these guys did put me in touch with one of the open minded developers who worked on the Japanese tree with these members of the community before. And that's how the information started flowing directly to Wargaming RU in Minsk. This was very late 2013 (December if I recall correctly) and it was in January 2014 when the work began in earnest. Notice that at no point of development was WG EU involved in ANY way, it was completely bypassed and did nothing for the Czechoslovak community (quite the opposite on occasion, I still remember the charity affair)。

  接下来的事有点印象模糊,想不起具体细节了。不过,还记得当初在美服论坛上,开发人员是如何向本子坦克专家(Daigensui, 原来叫Kankou,还有SoukouDragon)咨询问题的吗?这些开明的开发人员和这些专家一起合作开发本子坦克线,而就是这些专家帮我联系上了其 中的一位开发人员。这样信息就直接传达到了明斯克WG总部,这是2013年接近年底时候(如果没记错的话是12月)的事了。在2014年1月,正式开始了 这项工作。注意,这项开发工作和WG欧服完全没有关系,直接绕过了他们,捷克斯洛伐克游戏社区也没起到什么作用(偶尔也有,我还记得为二战老兵搞得慈善活 动)。

  At this point it's worth noting that unless it's some bug feedback, there is absolutely no point in making any suggestions on EU forums (NA has it a bit different but that's a story for another time), the developers will not get it, it will always get lost in communication between the middle men. It was only this direct connection to Minsk that allowed this idea to happen. It is logical in a way as I can confirm that 99,9 percent of all player-proposed tech trees are utter crap。

  在这一方面,WG欧服论坛是毫无用处的。它的作用仅仅是用来提交bug报告,在欧服论坛上提交任何建议都是毫无意义的,开发人员看 不到,这些信息在中间环节就丢失了(美服有点不同,但那是另外一个故事)。唯有直接和明斯克方面联系才能让你的想法成真。不过这也符合逻辑,因为我能确定 在玩家提出的科技树中,99.9%都是扯谈。

  The tree as a concept was approved very long time ago (I am thinking mid 2014) with late 2014 being the deadline for supplying the data necessary for the tree (a creation of a new tree takes roughly a year including all the phases from the first decision). I'll continue the storyline a bit later - but let's look at the first decision a bit closer because you might be asking: "Why Czechoslovak tree? Surely there are other trees worth considering, why this one, why not Italians or the Swedes for example?"

  作为一个概念,这条线在很早以前就被核准了(我想应该是2014年年中的时候),并要求在2014年年底的某个时间前必须为这条线 提供必要的数据(创建一条新线需要大约一年的时间,从下第一个决定开始,要经历各个环节)。我等下继续说以后的事,先来稍微解说一下这“第一个决定”。因 为你或许会问:“为什么是捷克斯洛伐克线?显然还有其他国家线也值得考虑。为什么是这个,而不是意大利线或者是瑞典线之类的。”



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