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6号Q&A:日本HT模型有问题 还得拖一拖
新浪游戏  2015-08-07 18:37

  Here it is:

  - The NA community removal of the "negative reputation" button backfired: it was implemented for "experimentation of improving the community", however some really bad suggestions and comments get positive ratings, giving the completely wrong idea sometimes;


  - SerB opened a private NA server account, nobody knows his username though;


  - There are some issues with several Japanese HT models, it's possible the patch will be delayed somewhat;




  - WoWs is doing fine, WG considers the game healthy and the playerbase growing;


  - WoT for Xbox will introduce a Brazilian 90mm Chaffee light tank and it's possible 105mm Argentinian Crusader will appear as well as an undisclosed "obscure" Korean tank. It's possible these vehicles will appear in PC version as well but not certain;


  - The new Japanese heavy tank name "O-Ho" (as introduced at Gamescom) is a Wargaming fake and was made up to differentiate the heavies from one another。

   Gamescom科隆游戏展中公布的日系重型“O-Ho”(8级 O-I 120)的名字来自WG最擅长的事(编)啦,用这个名字区分日系那几个车的名字



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