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30号Q&A:坦克Win10表现不错 UI将重做
新浪游戏  2015-07-30 16:57

  Here it is:

  - Q: "Will 88mm L/56 be buffed so it is like in Blitz?" A: "It would be easier to just ask Blitz to nerf it";


  - Changing the 88mm L/56 and other guns that are installed on many tanks at the same time is not trivial because they are so widespread;


  - It's not true that Xbox WoT will lose some features just because they are not possible to put easily into the PC version;


  - Storm states that some Youtubers like Murazor are spreading lies and whine about things (in this case +/-1 MM they want) because their Youtube income is directly dependent on this whining;


  - Tank profitability coefficients were not touched in 9.9;


  - Storm states that the Japanese Tiger is not in the same situation as the Mauschen was (OP versus lower tiers, underpowered versus higher tiers);


  - According to Storm, WoT on Win10 results are not bad;


  - The best Windows to run WoT with (IF you have sufficient hardware) currently is Windows 8.1;


  - There are currently no special optimizations in the game for Dx12;


  - UI in WoT will be reworked to ActionScript 3;

  WoT中的UI会重做为ActionScript 3

  - According to Veider (balance developer) Windows 10 work well。




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