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惊人消息:没有穿深削弱 也没有鼠原替换
新浪游戏  2015-06-30 17:44

  No penetration nerf happening, Mauschen not coming



  Hello warriors,


  here's a surprising turn of events from one of Wargaming's RU staffmembers (the thread where it was got deleted but the North Google cache remembers). Since there is no debunking from Storm available (he usually posts very quickly if such info is false), we have to assume it's the truth。

  WG RU工作人员流出一些重磅消息(原帖已删,不过google缓存记录下来了)。鉴于Storm总是充当辟谣先锋,而现在又啥都没说,我们只能认为以下消息是真的

重磅消息:没有穿深削弱 也没有鼠原替换

  There will be no penetration nerf AT ALL, since the tests have shown that it didn't work. So no changes planned for now (at least summer and autumn will be without changes)。


  Also, Mauschen will not be implemented (it will not be in 9.9 test 2 anymore) because it sucks, devs decided not to put it in。

  还有,鼠原暂时不加入(9.9 二测中已移除),因为他太弱鸡了,开发者们决定先不加入他了


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