Pearl River overhaul in 9.10
Hello warriors,
in 9.10, Pearl River is getting an overhaul:
- Heavy tanks will now spawn in zones 1 in order to make them start faster
- HT的出生点位被移至1号区域,为了能让它们更快地赶到重坦线
- Area 2 was changed in favor of the upper team (more defensive positions)
- 区域2被修改,更利于上方出生队伍进行防守
- Area 3: added a new alternative access to base through the mountains
- 区域3:在山里挖出一条路来,可以直通上方基地
- Area 4: players can now enter the "balcony"
- 区域4:玩家现在可以爬上这边的梯田了
- Area 5 was completely reworked
- 区域5:整个下路被完全重制
- Areas 6 (artillery positions) were changed for both teams
- 双方的区域6(火炮蹲位)都有改动
- Area 7 - the mountain was made flatter in order to give both teams the same times to reach the center
- 区域7:这边的山被做得更平坦一些,以使双方到达地图中间的时间相同